漢語 编辑

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簡體 (以邻为壑)

詞源 编辑


治水是故四海吾子 [現代標準漢語繁體]
治水是故四海吾子 [現代標準漢語簡體]
Yǔ zhī zhìshuǐ, shuǐ zhī dào yě. Shìgù Yǔ yǐ sìhǎi wéi hè, jīn wúzǐ línguó wéi hè. [漢語拼音]
Yu's regulation of the waters was according to the laws of water. He therefore made the four seas their receptacle, while you make the neighbouring States their receptacle.

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成語 编辑


  1. (比喻義)困難災禍推給別人。

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