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中世紀拉丁語 (11世紀) RussiānusRussia的形容詞,為古東斯拉夫語 Русь (Rusĭ)的拉丁化。16世紀開始出現在英語中 (作為名詞和形容詞)。

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Russian (無比較級)

  1. 俄羅斯
    • 2017 2月 19, “Putin”, 出自 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, 季数 4, 集数 2, John Oliver(演員), 經由 HBO:
      So that is the official line: you’re shit, we’re shit, everything’s shit, never try for a better world because it doesn’t exist. That is not only bleak, I think it’s also the working title of every Russian novel ever written.
  2. (過時)蘇聯有關的
  3. (過時)羅斯有關的
  4. 與俄語有關的

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Russian (可數 不可數,複數 Russians)

  1. (可數) 俄羅斯人俄羅斯族俄族
  2. (可數) 俄羅斯人
  3. (可數obsolete) 蘇聯人
  4. (不可數) 俄語
    • 2015, Shane R. Reeves, David Wallace, “The Combatant Status of the “Little Green Men” and Other Participants in the Ukraine Conflict”, 出自 International Law Studies, US Naval War College[1], 卷 91, 期 361, Stockton Center for the Study of International Law,頁號 393:
      The “little green men”—faces covered, wearing unmarked olive uniforms, speaking Russian and using Russian weapons—have played a significant role in both the occupation of Crimea and the civil war in eastern Ukraine.196
  5. 家貓品種
  6. 該品種的貓
  7. (雜耍罕用單數形式) 一種有堅硬外殼雜耍球,裡頭裝滿鹽、沙子或其他物質
    • 2011, jamescoutry24, “Beanbags > Russian”, 出自 rec.juggling (Usenet):
      Ok, I do think I am starting to get used to it, but you have to admit, if youve:Template:SIC been juggling bags and then start juggling Russians, they feel sooo lopsided to juggle at first!
  8. (倫敦多文化俚語) 來自莫斯科周邊地區的人
  9. (倫敦多文化俚語) 一種 (由於黑幫成員對俄羅斯武器有所偏愛)

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