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來自天安門天安门 (Tiān'ānmén)的漢語拼音轉寫,去掉隔音符號

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  1. Tian'anmen (天安门)的另一種寫法
    • 2001, Jasper Becker, ‘‘Comrade Jiang Zemin does indeed seem a proper choice’, London Review of Books[1], vol. 23, no. 10:
      Jiang Zemin has almost managed to make the event disappear down an Orwellian memory hole. Even in Western countries, sub-editors have taken to calling it the ‘Tiananmen crackdown’, rather than ‘massacre’, making it seem as insignificant as the endless stories about routine ‘crackdowns’ on smuggling, prostitution, counterfeit goods, VAT forms or corruption, which provide the stuff of daily reporting here in China.
    • 2006, Philip Dodd, Ben Donald, The Book of Cities[2], New York (printed in China): MJF Books, →ISBN,頁號 241:
      Like many Beijing landmarks - the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Literary Glory, the Hall of Martial Valour - Tiananmen 's name, "The Gate of Heavenly Peace", is abstract and absolute, an appellation bequeathed by Mao Zedong, "The Great Helmsman," whose cult still lives on in his mausoleum in the square, and in the sale of kitsch Maomorabilia.

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