cash on the barrelhead

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cash on the barrelhead (不可數)

  1. (美國俗語) 立即付款
    • 1938 9月 1, Charles B. Parmer, “Serial Story: Photo Finish—Twelve”, 出自 Telegraph-Herald, Iowa, US, retrieved 23 July 2013,頁號 11:
      "[W]e're selling, to the highest bidder, and for cash on the barrel head. . . . Cash in hand, no checks accepted."
    • 1947 March 31, Foreign Relations: Potent Weapon, Time:
      [I]n 1946 the U.S. exported $2,166 million worth of food. . . . Most of this ($1,354 million) was paid for, cash on the barrelhead. But $628 million was the U.S. contribution to UNRRA stocks, and $184 million went through Lend-Lease.
    • 2003 2月 25, Paul Krugman, “Threats, Promises and Lies”, 出自 New York Times, retrieved 22 July 2013:
      In return for support of an Iraq invasion, Turkey wanted—and got—immediate aid, cash on the barrelhead, rather than mere assurances about future help.

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