英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

來自中世紀拉丁語 *dētrīmentālis,來自拉丁語 dētrīmentum (損傷),來自dēterō (擦掉,磨損),來自dē- (向下,遠離) + terō (擦或抓)

發音 编辑

  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˌdɛtɹɪˈmɛntəl/
  • 文檔

形容詞 编辑

detrimental (比較級 more detrimental最高級 most detrimental)

  1. 有害
    近義詞: harmfuldamaginginjurious;亦參見Thesaurus:harmful
    反義詞: beneficial
    Smoking tobacco can be detrimental to your health.吸煙有害健康。
    • 1842, Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Lady Anne Granard, 卷 1,頁號s 142-143:
      "The fact is," continued he, "Lady Anne fears that my visits here may prove detrimental to what she considers your best interests. I thought myself an old, safe friend; but, as that cannot be explained to every body, she fears that I may keep off other and more eligible lovers."

相關詞 编辑

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形容詞 编辑

detrimental (複數 detrimentales)

  1. 有害