英语 编辑

Evelyn De Morgan, The Dryad, 1884–1885

词源 编辑

源自古法語 driade (树精),源自拉丁語 Dryas, Dryadis,源自古希臘語 Δρυάς (Druás, 森林女仙),源自δρῦς (drûs, 橡木),源自原始印歐語 *derew(o)- (树,木),对比原始印歐語 *dóru ()

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名词 编辑

dryad (複數 dryads)

  1. (希臘神話) 树精森林
    下位詞: Daphnehamadryad
    同類詞: Meliai
    • 1914, Hans Christian Andersen, “The Dryad”, 出自 William Alexander Craigie(譯者), Fairy tales and other stories:
      There it had stood for years, close beside a mighty oak, under which sat often the kindly old priest, who told stories to the listening children. The young chestnut tree listened with them: the Dryad inside it, who was still a child, could remember the time when the tree was so small that it only reached a little higher than the ferns and long blades of grass.
  2. 仙女木

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