參見:idee fixe

英語 编辑

維基百科 en

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詞源 编辑

借自法語 idée fixe (字面意思是固定觀念)

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑

idée fixe (複數 idées fixes)

  1. (心理學) 執念成見;一個支配著思想、儘管有相反的證據卻仍被堅守的觀念
    • 1951, Isaac Asimov, Foundation (1974 Panther Books Ltd publication), part V: “The Merchant Princes”, chapter 13, page 171, ¶ 13:
      [“]A foreign policy of domination through spiritual means is [Jorane Sutt’s] idée fixe, but it’s my notion that his ultimate aims aren’t spiritual.[”]
    • 2003, Roy Porter, Flesh in the Age of Reason, Penguin, 出版於 2004,頁號 182:
      The sage's solitary fantisizings about the heavens have turned monstrous, his yearnings for knowledge have swollen into idées fixes
    • 2009, Gary Clark, Quadrant, November 2009, No. 461 (Volume LIII, Number 11), Quadrant Magazine Limited, page 9:
      His conclusion though is illuminating, and established a theme that was to concern him for the next forty years of his life, becoming the idée fixe of works such as The Ghost in the Machine, The Act of Creation and the Roots of Coincidence.
  2. (音樂) 固定樂思固定樂想
    • 1922, Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 卷 4,頁號 793:
      a definite musical figure, called the 'idée fixe,' unifying the work throughout by its constant reappearance in various aspects and surroundings

法語 编辑

維基百科 fr

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑

idée fixe f (複數 idées fixes)

  1. (心理學) 執念成見;一個支配著思想、儘管有相反的證據卻仍被堅守的觀念
    近義詞: marotte

派生語彙 编辑

  • 英語: idée fixe
  • 英語: fixed idea (仿譯詞)
  • 瑞典語: fix idé (仿譯詞)
  • 俄語: идефикс (idefiks)
  • 俄語: идея фикс (ideja fiks) (部分仿譯詞)

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