英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

non- +‎ classroom

形容詞 编辑

nonclassroom (無比較級)

  1. 不屬於教室的,和教室無關的

名詞 编辑

nonclassroom (複數 nonclassrooms)

  1. 不是教室的地方
    • 1942, Lyman B. Graybeal, Guiding Observation in Secondary Schools (page 76)
      How is this high school faculty fulfilling its responsibility to the institution and the public in regard to pupils' decorum in corridors, auditoriums, cafeterias, study halls, libraries, toilet rooms, and other non-classrooms []
      這所高中教師如何在走廊、禮堂、食堂、自習室、圖書館、衛生間和其他非教室的學生禮儀方面履行對機構和公眾的責任 []
    • 1965, District of Columbia Appropriations
      Nonclassrooms are being used as well as a roving teacher in order to take care of the teaching load. The auditorium, stage, a small room in the shop, and the small speech therapy room are all used as classrooms.
    • 2011, Ronald C. Martella, J. Ron Nelson, Nancy E. Marchand-Martella, Comprehensive Behavior Management
      These organizational systems focus on (a) leadership, (b) schoolwide systems, (c) nonclassrooms, (d) classrooms, (e) individual students, and (f) academic support systems.