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词源 编辑

源自中古英語 rein-dropereyn-dropereyn drope,源自古英語 reġndropa,源自原始日耳曼語 *regnadrupô。等价于rain +‎ drop。同源词包括薩特弗里斯蘭語 Riendruppe西弗里斯蘭語 reindrip荷蘭語 regendroppelregendruppel德國低地德語 Regendrüpp德語 Regentropfen瑞典語 regndroppe冰島語 regndropi

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名词 编辑

raindrop (複數 raindrops)

  1. 雨滴雨点
    上位詞: drop
    • 1902, John Muir, "The Grand Cañon of the Colorado":
      It is all so fine and orderly that it would seem that not only had the clouds and streams been kept harmoniously busy in the making of it, but that every raindrop sent like a bullet to a mark had been the subject of a separate thought, so sure is the outcome of beauty through the stormy centuries.
    • 1969, Hal David (lyricist), “Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head”.

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