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借自拉丁語 rīdiculus (可笑的,荒唐的),参见ridicule

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ridiculous (比較級 more ridiculous最高級 most ridiculous)

  1. 荒唐的,可笑的,愚蠢的,滑稽
    近義詞: sillywilly nillyfrivolousgoofyfunnyhumorousabsurdoddsurrealunreasonable;亦參見Thesaurus:absurd
    反義詞: straightforwardserioussombersolemn
    That hairstyle looks ridiculous.
    It's ridiculous to charge so much for a little souvenir.
    You make ridiculous statements a lot, like saying that UFOs are real.
  2. (非正式) 难以置信的,极度
    In a ridiculous feat of engineering, the team can calculate the difference in arrival time to within one-tenth of a nanosecond.
    Gaines is a classic motor player with a low center of gravity and ridiculous strength.

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