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動詞 编辑

shut up (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 shuts up,現在分詞 shutting up,一般過去時及過去分詞 shut up)

  1. 及物關閉封鎖(建築物)
  2. 及物終止(生意)
  3. 及物〉 把……/起來
  4. (作格) 停止談論
    You are talking so loud that I can't hear the music – would you mind shutting up?
    你講話太大聲,我都聽不到音樂了 - 你能消停一會兒嗎?
    He was blathering on about something, but I managed to shut him up.
  5. 不及物〉〈(僅用於祈使句) 我不信!這不可能!
    I got accepted to Yale! – Shut up, really? That's awesome!
    我被耶魯錄取啦! - 我不信,真的嗎?那你也太厲害了吧!
    • Lua错误 在Module:Quote的第2461行:Parameter "media" is not used by this template.
  6. 及物〉〈〉〈
    I just heard that your wife was trying to shut you up for the insurance money.

使用注意 编辑

  • 用祈使句時,是命令他人停止談論:
    • 一般認為這樣較為無理。偏中性的表達是"be quiet"。
    • Shut the fuck upshut up的語氣增強)有罕見的縮略成 fuck up

近義詞 编辑

反義詞 编辑

派生詞 编辑

形容詞 编辑

shut up (比較級 more shut up最高級 most shut up)

  1. 關閉的
    • 2010. Jem (And Sam). Ferdinand Mount.
      She did not come to Court, but she must have been taken to Montagu's house, for the Clerkenwell house was all shut up and was to be sold.
    • 1865. The Wisconsin Farmer, and Northwestern Cultivator, Volume 17. Pg. 75.
      Open sheds are too much exposed to drifting snow, and they cannot be shut up and made warm enough for early lambing.
    • 1880. An Earnest Trifler. Mary Aplin Sprague. Pg. 166.
      Beaudeck is a very shut-up place.

異序詞 编辑