
英语 编辑

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词源 1 编辑

方言词simper的变换形式,源自中古英語 simperen (),可能是拟声词。最早记录是不及物动词。名词源自动词。首次記錄於15世纪末叶。

其他形式 编辑

动词 编辑

simmer (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 simmers,現在分詞 simmering,一般過去時及過去分詞 simmered)

  1. (不及物) (自17世纪中叶)
    The soup simmered on the stove.
    • 1945 January and February, “Notes and News: American Locomotives in France”, 出自 Railway Magazine,頁號 46:
      The locomotive was the now inevitable American 2-8-0, No. 2623. There she stood, effectively blocking the level crossing, simmering gently, massively inert. It was almost dark, and one's final sight was of her high, firelit cab, the enginemen nonchalantly leaning out, waiting for the right-away, while impatient road convoys piled up on both sides of the crossing.
    • 2004, Susan Westmoreland, The Good Housekeeping Cookbook, Hearst Books, →ISBN,頁號 89:
      That way, the heat can circulate under the meat and prevent it from simmering in its juices.
  2. (及物)
    近義詞: coddle
    同類詞: bakesauté
    Simmer the soup for five minutes, then serve.
    • 1981, Phyllis Hobson, Easy Game Cookery, Storey Publishing, →ISBN,頁號 2:
      There are other easy ways you can bake and simmer and sauté wild game without qualifying as a gourmet cook.
  3. (不及物比喻義) 快要发火,在发火的边缘激动 (自18世纪60年代)
    • 2006, Earl Ganz, The Taos Truth Game, UNM Press, →ISBN:
      Maybe that really did happen, and Robin's anger at his wife had simmered for this long?
  4. (不及物比喻義) (尤指一系列解决问题的努力没有结果后)记仇怀恨在心心怀芥蒂
    I tried to get through to him; all that's left for me to do is simmer.
  5. (不及物比喻義) 计划规划酝酿
    近義詞: gestateferment
    • 2003, Mark H. Walker, Games That Sell!, Wordware Publishing, Inc., →ISBN頁號 162:
      The idea for The Sims was one that had been simmering in Wright's mind for quite some time, and was initially conceived as an architecture simulation.
衍生词汇 编辑

名词 编辑


  1. 炖煮 (自19世纪)
    The kettle was kept on the simmer.

词源 2 编辑

源自sim (模拟, 名词,缩略自simulation) +‎ -er

名词 编辑

simmer (複數 simmers)

  1. (非正式電子遊戲)模拟游戏的人(尤指《模拟人生》)

异序词 编辑

德语 编辑

发音 编辑

动词 编辑


  1. (口語regional) sind wir的縮約形
    Wann simmer denn da?我们啥时候到那里?

用法说明 编辑


参见 编辑

低地苏格兰语 编辑

其他形式 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英語 sumer,源自古英語 sumor,源自原始西日耳曼語 *sumar,源自原始日耳曼語 *sumaraz

名词 编辑

simmer (複數 simmers)

  1. 夏季

西弗里斯兰语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自古弗里斯蘭語 sumursumer,源自原始西日耳曼語 *sumar

名词 编辑

simmer c (複數 simmers,指小詞 simmerke)

  1. 夏季

衍生词汇 编辑

参见 编辑

西弗里斯蘭語中的季節seizoenen(布局 · 文字)
maaitiid (), foarjier () simmer () hjerst (), neijier () winter ()

延伸阅读 编辑

  • “simmer”, Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal[1], 2011