
英語 编辑

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發音 编辑

  • 英語發音swo͝on, 國際音標(幫助)/swuːn/
  • 韻部:-uːn

詞源1 编辑

源自中古英語 swoune, swone,源自動詞。

名詞 编辑

swoon (複數 swoons)

  1. 昏厥
    • 1897, 布萊姆·斯托克, 德古拉 Chapter 21
      "I felt my strength fading away, and I was in a half swoon. How long this horrible thing lasted I know not, but it seemed that a long time must have passed before he took his foul, awful, sneering mouth away. I saw it drip with the fresh blood!"
  2. 癡迷

詞源2 编辑

源自中古英語 swounen, swonen (昏厥), aswoune (處於昏厥狀態),源自古英語 ġeswōgen (沒有知覺的,死的)swōgan (發出聲音,肆虐,把……悶死)的過去分詞(對比古英語 āswōgan (覆蓋)),源自原始日耳曼語 *swōganą (發出響聲) ← 原始印歐語 *(s)weh₂gʰ-。與低地德語 swogen (歎息,呻吟), 荷蘭語 zwoegen (呻吟,大口呼吸),方言挪威語 søgja (吹哨,大聲談話)同源。參見sough

動詞 编辑

swoon (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 swoons,現在分詞 swooning,一般過去時及過去分詞 swooned) (不及物)

  1. (書面) 昏厥
    近義詞: black outfaintpass out
    • 1885, Richard F. Burton, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Night 539:
      I threw myself down on the island ground, like a dead man, and drowned in desolation swooned away, nor did I return to my senses till next morning, when the sun rose and revived me.
    • 1918, Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Gods of Mars[1], HTML版, The Gutenberg Project, 出版於 2008:
      I dropped the vessel quickly to a lower level. Nor was I a moment too soon. The girl had swooned.
    • Module:Quote第2461行Lua错误:Parameter 7 is not used by this template.
  2. (引申义) 癡迷迷戀
  3. 發出帶有喜愛/迷戀情感的聲音
    The girls swooned at the picture of their favorite actor.
    • 2013 (November 2) Pinky 10 minutes into episode 25 ("The Spy Who Slimed Me") of TV series "Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures" per closed captions
      [Swoons] For sure. He's totally dreamy. Uh--but my heart still belongs to you, Pac-ums.
派生詞 编辑

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