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  1. 源自德語的姓氏(音樂)(尤指格奥尔格·弗里德里希·亨德尔(1685年–1759年),一位英籍德(神圣罗马帝国)裔巴洛克风格作曲家.
    • 2014 4月 17, Tom Service, “Handel's Messiah: the sound of our better selves”, 出自 The Guardian:
      Handel's masterpiece, Messiah, is one of the incontrovertible masterpieces of the Western canon, a work whose place in the musical life of the nation looks, with the benefit of hindsight, to have been assured since its first performance in 1742.

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名词 编辑

Handel m (強變化,屬格 Handels,複數 Händel)

  1. 贸易交易买卖

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