
英語 编辑

專有名詞 编辑


  1. (俚語美國) His Honor視覺方言拼法市長,特別指大城市。
    • 1930, John Bright, Hizzoner Big Bill Thompson: An Idyll of Chicago, [book title].
    • 1991, Max M. Kampelman, Entering New Worlds: The Memoirs of a Private Man in Public Life,頁號 56:
      Minnesota: Meet Hizzoner the Mayor... Canon... would go through an elaborate bowing-and-scraping routine as he addressed Hizzoner the Mayor.
    • 2002, James Gill, For James and Gillian: Jim Gill's New York,頁號 121:
      In 1989, they wrote a book, entitled His Eminence and Hizzoner, in which they set forth their differences in amicable fashion.

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