英语 编辑

发音 编辑

Passengers can only alight(词源1,义项2.1)from buses at an alighting point, and cannot board them.
  • (標準英音通用美式) 英語發音ə-līt'國際音標(幫助)/əˈlaɪt/
  • 文檔
  • 韻部:-aɪt

词源 1 编辑

源自中古英語 alighten ((从某处)下来;下(车,马);到达,停在;着陆;掉落;攻击;(雷,闪电)打,击;跳上(马背等);(段位,官阶)下降;使...(的段位,官阶)下降;出现,涌现;减轻;(基督教,指基督,天使,圣灵,奇迹等)下凡,降临;下(地狱);(某事)降临到,发生到) [以及其他形式][1]融合自:[2]

英语中,作a- (表示“离,出,走”的前缀) +‎ light (使...简单,使...变轻;拿走;从...卸货;(古旧)降落,着陆;下(车马))分析。

动词 编辑

alight (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 alights,現在分詞 alighting,一般過去時及過去分詞 alighted alit)

  1. (及物比喻義棄用) 使...变 质量,程度等减轻缓解
    近義詞: (古旧) alighten
  2. (不及物)
    1. (常与fromoff连用) 车,马等(引申义) 完成旅途停下
      近義詞: (古旧) alighten(古旧) lightdisembarkdebarkget offget outunlight
      He alighted from his horse.
      Passengers are alighting from the carriage.
    2. (比喻義常接atonupon指空中的对象) 降落着陆停下
      A flying bird alights upon a tree.
      Snow alights on a roof.
      • 1590, 埃德蒙·斯宾塞, “Book I, Canto III”, 出自 仙后(The Faerie Qveene . [], London: [] [John Wolfe] for William Ponsonbie, →OCLC, stanza 20,頁號 38:
        His fearefull freends vveare out the vvofull night, / Ne dare to vveepe, nor ſeeme to vnderſtand / The heauie hap, vvhich on them is alight, / Affraid, leaſt to themſelues the like miſhappen might.
      • 1667, John Milton, “Book IV”, 出自 Paradise Lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books, London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], →OCLC; 再版為 Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC,行號s 395–397:
        Then from his loftie ſtand on that high Tree / Down he alights among the ſportful Herd / Of thoſe fourfooted kindes, himſelf now one, []
      • Template:RQ:Pope Iliad
      • Template:RQ:Byron Mazeppa
      • 2012, Andrew Martin, “The World of Charles Pearson”, 出自 Underground Overground: A Passenger’s History of the Tube, paperback版, London: Profile Books, 出版於 2013, →ISBN頁號 25:
        In 1851 the Great Northern Railway had reached London and began operating into a terminus at Maiden Lane, just north of the New Road [later renamed Euston Road]. In 1854 they moved up to the New Road itself, with the opening of King's Cross station, east of Euston. The railways were alighting on the New Road like birds perching on a branch (the Midland Railway would open St Pancras, between Euston and King's Cross in 1868), and [Charles] Pearson took note.
    3. (古舊) 下来降下
    4. (常接onupon) 重重
    5. (比喻義常接onupon) 偶然找到,偶然碰到
    6. (棄用) 到达
变位 编辑
衍生词汇 编辑
相关词汇 编辑

词源 2 编辑


英语中,作a- (表示“离,出,走”的前缀) +‎ light (点(火);点燃;燃起来;照亮;照路)分析。

形容词和副词派生自晚期中古英語 alight (形容词) [以及其他形式],源自古英語 ālīhtālȳht[3]古英語 ālīhtanālȳhtan (动词,见上)的过去分词形式;但随后亦被解读为a- (表示“到,上,于”的前缀,用来表示条件、状态或方式) +‎ light (明亮的,清晰的)[6]

动词 编辑

alight (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 alights,現在分詞 alighting,一般過去時及過去分詞 alit alighted) (及物比喻義古舊)

  1. 照亮
    近義詞: 參見Thesaurus:illuminate
    反義詞: darken
  2. 使...亮起点燃
变位 编辑
衍生词汇 编辑

形容词 编辑

alight (無比較級)

  1. 燃烧的,着火
    The burning embers and the dry wind quickly set the whole neighbourhood alight.
    The sticks were damp and wouldn’t catch alight.
    • 1961 February, Balmore [pseudonym], “Driving and Firing Modern French Steam Locomotives – Part One”, 出自 Trains Illustrated, London: Ian Allan Publishing, →ISSN, →OCLC,頁號 110:
      With a heavy load of 650 tons for Arras and Lille we started very quietly, with about a third of a glass of water, and the fire barely alight. This frightened me, but I had reckoned without the 4-6-4's American mechanical stoker.
  2. (常接with) 发光的;颜色鲜艳的,艳丽
    近義詞: 參見Thesaurus:shining
    反義詞: 參見Thesaurus:dark
    1. (指电光源) 的,发光的
  3. (比喻義因感情或活动而)柔光
    Her face was alight with happiness.
用法说明 编辑


副词 编辑

alight (不可比)

  1. (比喻義主要用于set alight) 燃着
衍生词汇 编辑

参考资料 编辑

  1. alighten, v.(1)” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  2. alight, v.1”, OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, December 2021; “alight1, v.”, Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
  3. 3.0 3.1 alight, v.2”, OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, December 2021
  4. alighten, v.(2)” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  5. onlighten, v.(1)” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  6. alight, adj. and adv.”, OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, December 2021; “alight2, adjective.”, Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.