世界语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自al- +‎ pafi

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动词 编辑

alpafi (現在 alpafas,過去 alpafis,將來 alpafos,條件 alpafus,祈使 alpafu)

  1. 朝著……射擊開槍
    La policano alpafis la pneŭon de ilia aŭto sed maltrafis.
    • Module:Quote第2461行Lua错误:Parameter "part" is not used by this template.
      There [the animal] was fired on—unfortunately, equally without effect—by the guards stationed at the chimneys, and [the cat] disappeared in the light of the setting sun which was flooding the city at that hour. (Mirra Ginsburg translation, Grove, 1995)

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