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源自拉丁語 aversusavertere (背过身;避免)的过去分词。

发音 编辑

  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "RP" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 國際音標(幫助)/əˈvɜː(ɹ)s/
    • 文檔

形容词 编辑

averse (比較級 more averse最高級 most averse)

  1. 厌恶的,抵触
    be averse to something / to do something
    • 2004, Arthur Schopenhauer, 章號 2, 出自 Essays of Schopenhauer[1]:
      This is why the most eminent intellects have always been strongly averse to any kind of disturbance, interruption and distraction, and above everything to that violent interruption which is caused by noise; other people do not take any particular notice of this sort of thing.
    • 1885, E. T. A. Hoffmann, The Entail[2]:
      “I assure you, cousin,” replied the old gentleman, “that the Baron, notwithstanding his unpleasant manner, is really one of the most excellent and kind-hearted men in the world. As I have already told you, he did not assume these manners until the time he became lord of the entail; previous to then he was a modest, gentle youth. Besides, he is not, after all, so bad as you make him out to be; and further, I should like to know why you are so averse to him.” As my uncle said these words he smiled mockingly, and the blood rushed hotly and furiously into my face.
    近義詞: dislikingdisinclinedfromwardunwillingreluctantloath
  2. 背过身的,向后的
  3. (紋章學) 展示背面的

用法说明 编辑

  • adverseaverse两词有时会混淆,虽然两者词义并不相同。adverse常指某物与某人的利益相悖,即某人会称作adversityadversary的东西 — (adverse winds; an attitude adverse to our ideals——逆风;与我们理想相悖的态度)。averse一般形容人,表示人反对,抵触某物(a leader averse to war; an investor averse to risk taking——厌恶战争的领导人;不愿冒风险的投资者)。averse常与to连用,构成如“I am averse to…”的形式。adverse少用于此类构式,因为它形容的是物不是人。
  • averse from是古旧形式,对应于现代形式averse to

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averse (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 averses,現在分詞 aversing,一般過去時及過去分詞 aversed)

  1. (及物棄用罕用) 转过身
    • 1808, The Harleian miscellany:
      [] and, in this panegyrick of the Teutonick blood, I have so prolixly insisted, not only to vindicate our own, as being a stream of the same, and to evince the nobility thereof, but withal to convince the folly of those wretches among us, who aversing ours do so much adhere unto, and dote upon descents from France and Normandy.
    • 1859, The Yale Literary Magazine, 卷 24, 期 7,頁號 302:
      The inconveniences aversing from clandestine marriages are pointedly depicted in the last two lines, teaching lessons of morality to all romantic babies.

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参考资料 编辑

  • OneLook 在线词典 上有关 averse 的释义

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名词 编辑

averse f (複數 averses)

  1. 暴雨

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  1. āversus呼格陽性單數