



these nuts按發音的拼寫。



deez nuts  (僅複數)

  1. (主要用於網際網路幽默貶義) 睪丸
    • 2021 5月 8, “TikTok: What are 'Deez Nuts' Jokes?”, 出自 HITC[1]:
      After a bit of back-and-forth, the man suddenly shouts “Deez nuts!”, and since then, it’s become a viral joke.
    • 2021 9月 21, “Mac Jones confirms Nick Saban's love for 'deez' jokes”, 出自 NBC Sports[2]:
      Nick Saban is known for his solemn and stern demeanor. So when Alabama safety Jordan Battle revealed his head coach has an affinity for "deez nuts" jokes, it was both shocking and hilarious.
    • 2022 1月 18, “This peanut butter made for gamers actually sounds delicious”, 出自 PC Gamer[3]:
      It's got crunchy mixed in frozen fruits and is designed to be eaten with a spoon. Hard to make fun of deez nuts in our mouth.
    • 2022 3月 11, “Kid Rock Is So Unoriginal, He Made the Same Bad Music Video All Over Again”, 出自 Metal Sucks[4]:
      The best part is, of course, when he says “it’s time for love and unity” after flipping everyone off and shortly before telling them to suck “deez nuts.”