英语 编辑

词源 1 编辑

源自拉丁語 ēgressus,源自ex- + gressus

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  • 英語發音ēʹgrĕs國際音標(幫助)/ˈiːɡɹɛs/
  • 文檔
  • 文檔

名词 编辑

egress (可數 不可數,複數 egresses)

  1. 出口出路
    The window provides an egress in the event of an emergency.
    • 1667, John Milton, “Book 2”, 出自 Paradise Lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books, London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], →OCLC; 再版為 Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC:
      Gates of burning adamant, / Barred over us, prohibit all egress.
    • 1910, Emerson Hough, 章號 I, 出自 The Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:
      Serene, smiling, enigmatic, she faced him with no fear whatever showing in her dark eyes. [] She put back a truant curl from her forehead where it had sought egress to the world, and looked him full in the face now, drawing a deep breath which caused the round of her bosom to lift the lace at her throat.
    • 2021 12月 29, Dominique Louis, “Causal analysis: crashworthiness at Sandilands”, 出自 RAIL, 期 947,頁號 33:
      We also found that the only emergency egress from the tram was by smashing the front or rear windscreens, and that emergency lighting had failed when the tram overturned.
  2. 离开退出
    • 2003, International Building Code (IBC), Chapter 10 section 1001.1:
      Buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with a means of egress system as required this chapter. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design, construction and arrangement of means egress components required to provide an approved means of egress from structures and portions thereof.
  3. (天文學) 复现 一个天体在经历之后重新出现。
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词源 2 编辑

源自拉丁語 egressum、过去分词egredi

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动词 编辑

egress (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 egresses,現在分詞 egressing,一般過去時及過去分詞 egressed)

  1. (不及物) 离开离去出去
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