英語 编辑

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古典借詞,源自拉丁語 inexpugnābilis。形態上可以分析為in- +‎ expugn +‎ -able

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inexpugnable (比較級 more inexpugnable最高級 most inexpugnable)

  1. 不能攻佔的;不能駁倒的;堅不可摧
    • 1840, Thomas Carlyle, Heroes and Hero Worship[1]:
      My one hope of the world, my inexpugnable consolation in looking at the miseries of the world, is that this is altering.
    • 1911, H. G. Wells, The Country of the Blind, And Other Stories[2]:
      It crept into one's mind, a distress as vague and inexpugnable as a sea fog on a spring morning, and presently one shivered and wanted to go indoors...
    • 1915, Joseph Conrad, Victory[3]:
      This seemed to be an inexpugnable refuge, where we could live untroubled and learn to know each other."

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借自拉丁語 inexpugnābilis

發音 编辑

  • 國際音標(幫助)/i.nɛk.spy.ɲabl/
  • 文檔

形容詞 编辑

inexpugnable (複數 inexpugnables)

  1. 不能攻佔的,無法攻克的,攻不破
    近義詞: imprenable

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形容詞 编辑

inexpugnable (複數 inexpugnables)

  1. 不能攻佔的,無法攻克的,攻不破

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