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kick in (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 kicks in,現在分詞 kicking in,一般過去時及過去分詞 kicked in)

  1. (及物) 踢倒,朝里踢
    Upon hearing residents in the burning house, the passerby kicked in the front door and yelled to those inside.
  2. (及物俚語) 暴打
  3. (不及物俗語尤指突然间) 起效出现启动开始
    • 2013, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, Before Midnight (motion picture), Julie Delpy(演員):
      People expect women [when they give birth] to have this instinct that kicks in.
    • 2005, Sean Dooley, The Big Twitch, Sydney: Allen and Unwin,頁號 289:
      Once the wet kicks in up north, you can be stranded for months waiting for swollen rivers to subside to a crossable depth.]
    You have to push the switch hard to get the heater to kick in.
    I took my medication an hour ago, and it hasn't kicked in yet.
  4. (及物不及物俗語) 贡献,交 到某个筹款活动
    For the year-end party, we're asking each employee to kick in twenty dollars.
    This is a worthy charity, so everyone should kick in.

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