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词源 1 编辑

不详。可能源自古諾爾斯語 skjóta (射击)或可能与中古英語 scottlynge (快速动脚,蹦蹦跳跳, 字面意思是碎步走)有关,参见scuddlescuttle

名词 编辑

scoot (複數 scoots)

  1. (俚語) 美元
  2. (俚語) 小型摩托车
    • Pixel Pete, Eric Dregni, Peter Martin, Scooters (page 134)
      When you meet with your club, park in front of the café or bar so the world can see your scoots.
  3. 移开挪动
    • 2013, Liz Carlyle, Three Little Secrets:
      Instinctively, he lifted the chair a fraction, and gave it a little scoot away from her.

动词 编辑

scoot (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 scoots,現在分詞 scooting,一般過去時及過去分詞 scooted)

  1. (不及物) 快步
    They scooted over to the window.
  2. (不及物) 骑小型摩托车
  3. (指动物)前爪
    The dog was scooting all over our new carpet.
    • 1990, Chris C. Pinney, Guide to Home Pet Grooming,頁號 44:
      If you ever see your dog scooting its hind end along the floor, chances are that anal sac irritation or impaction exists.
    • 1997, J. M. Evans and Kay White, Catopedia:
      What if my cat is biting its tail, scooting or rubbing its bottom on the ground?
    • 2008, Sandy Blackburn, The Everything Dog Grooming Book: All You Need to Help Your Pet Look and Feel Great!,頁號 62:
      The old wives tale is that a dog that scoots on its rear has worms, but that's rarely the case. Dogs that scoot, lick, or chew underneath their tails usually have anal gland issues.
  4. (不及物) 指比如在多人座位上让开给其他人空出位置
    Do you mind scooting a bit to the left?
  5. (及物) 派遣...很快地出动
    • 1930, Frank Richards, The Magnet, Prout's Lovely Black Eye
      He scooted us out of the study and turned off the light []
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词源 2 编辑


动词 编辑

scoot (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 scoots,現在分詞 scooting,一般過去時及過去分詞 scooted)

  1. (蘇格蘭及物) 喷射

名词 编辑

scoot (複數 scoots)

  1. (蘇格蘭) 喷射出的液体

异序词 编辑