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  • 英語發音sĭk國際音標(幫助)/sɪk/
  • (英国)音频(檔案)
  • (美国)音频(檔案)
  • 韻部:-ɪk
  • 同音词sic, Sikh

词源 1


源自中古英語 siksikeseeksekeseok,源自古英語 sēoc (生病的),源自原始西日耳曼語 *seuk,源自原始日耳曼語 *seukaz(对比西弗里斯蘭語 siik荷蘭語 ziek德語 siech書面挪威語 syk新挪威語 sjuk丹麥語 syg),源自原始印歐語 *sewg- (困扰,悲),对比中古愛爾蘭語 socht (沉默,抑郁)古典亞美尼亞語 հիւծանիմ (hiwcanim, 变弱)



sick (比較級 sicker最高級 sickest)

  1. (英國少用) 生病
    • a1420, The British Museum Additional MS, 12,056, “Wounds complicated by the Dislocation of a Bone”, 出自 Robert von Fleischhacker 編, Lanfranc's "Science of cirurgie."[1], London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, translationLanfranc of Milan所著的原著, 出版於 1894, →ISBN,頁號 63:
      Ne take noon hede to brynge togidere þe parties of þe boon þat is to-broken or dislocate, til viij. daies ben goon in þe wyntir, & v. in þe somer; for þanne it schal make quytture, and be sikir from swellynge; & þanne brynge togidere þe brynkis eiþer þe disiuncture after þe techynge þat schal be seid in þe chapitle of algebra.
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, 章號 7, 出自 The China Governess[2]:
      ‘Children crawled over each other like little grey worms in the gutters,’ he said. ‘The only red things about them were their buttocks and they were raw. Their faces looked as if snails had slimed on them and their mothers were like great sick beasts whose byres had never been cleared. […]’
    She was sick all day with the flu.
    We have to care for the sick.
    近義詞: illnot wellpoorlysicklyunwell
    反義詞: fithealthywell
  2. 恶心的,想吐的
    My daughter was violently sick three times in the night.
    近義詞: nauseated
    • 1913, The Texas criminal reports, page 8:
      In the meantime the old man had gotten up and gone out in the yard and began to vomit. Henry said I believe I feel sick and got up and went out. He went out one door and his father went out the other one. I did not think there was anything wrong with the coffee and I asked my wife to pour this out []
    • 1918, Cecil Day Lewis, The Whispering Roots, Jonathan Cape, page 140:
      Q. Didn't he complain he was sick before he commenced to vomit?
      A. He did, just before he said, to me, “I feel sick,” I asked him if he wanted to throw up and he said yes.
    • 1958, Gene D'Olive, Chiara, Signet Book
      [] trying hard to cry. Crying's good. Crying teaches him to breathe. But I wish he weren't crying from hunger. I feel dizzy. I sit down and feel a little sick. Maybe I'll vomit, too. No, I never vomit. I feel sick, but I won't vomit. I never vomit.
    • 2013, Cheryl Rainfield, Stained, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (ISBN 9780547942100), page 38:
      I feel sick, like I might vomit, and I'm more tired than I can ever remember feeling.
  3. (口語) 精神不稳定的,心智失常
    近義詞: disturbedtwistedwarped
  4. (口語) 令人不适的,低级的,下贱
    That's a sick joke.
  5. 厌烦的,
    I've heard that song on the radio so many times that I'm starting to get sick of it.
    • 2015, “Same Old Love”, 出自 Revival, 演出者 Selena Gomez:
      I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart.
  6. (俚語) 牛逼的,厉害
    This tune is sick.
    Dude, this car's got a sick subwoofer!
    近義詞: radwicked
    反義詞: crapnaffuncool
  7. 条件不好的,境况差的
    sick building syndrome; my car is looking pretty sick; my job prospects are pretty sick
  8. (農業) 收成不佳的
  • ? 納瓦霍語: sxih



sick (不可數)

  1. (英國澳大利亞口語) 呕吐
    He lay there in a pool of his own sick.
    • 2010, McSween et al., Things Bogans Like, Sydney: Hachette,頁號 80:
      The bogan, true to form, laps it up like a dog does its own sick.
  2. (英國口語) 疾病救济 常用于短语on the sickon long-term sick



sick (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 sicks,現在分詞 sicking,一般過去時及過去分詞 sicked)

  1. (口語) 呕吐
    I woke up at 4 am and sicked on the floor.
  2. (方言棄用不及物) 生病得病
    • c. 1596–1599, William Shakespeare, “The Second Part of Henry the Fourth, []”, 出自 Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, 出版於 1623, →OCLC, (please specify the act number in uppercase Roman numerals, and the scene number in lowercase Roman numerals):
      Our great-grandsire, Edward, sick'd and died.
    • 2005, Damian Marley, "Welcome to Jamrock", Welcome to Jamrock(album) [3].
      Old man to pickney, so wave unno hand if you with me /To see the sufferation sick me.

词源 2





sick (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 sicks,現在分詞 sicking,一般過去時及過去分詞 sicked)

  1. (罕用) sic的另一種拼寫法
    • 1920, James Oliver Curwood, "Back to God's Country"
      "Wapi," she almost screamed, "go back! Sick 'em, Wapi—sick 'em—sick 'em—sick 'em!"
    • 1938, Eugene Gay-Tifft, translator, The Saga of Frank Dover by Johannes Buchholtz, 2005 Kessinger Publishing edition, ISBN 141915222X, page 125,
      When we were at work swabbing the deck, necessarily barelegged, Pelle would sick the dog on us; and it was an endless source of pleasure to him when the dog succeeded in fastening its teeth in our legs and making the blood run down our ankles.
    • 1957, J. D. Salinger, "Zooey", in, 1961, Franny and Zooey, 1991 LB Books edition, page 154,
      "...is just something God sicks on people who have the gall to accuse Him of having created an ugly world."
    • 2001 (publication date), Anna Heilman, Never Far Away: The Auschwitz Chronicles of Anna Heilman, University of Calgary Press, ISBN 1552380408, page 82,
      Now they find a new entertainment: they sick the dog on us.

