馬加希語 terms categorized by the manner and context in which they are used by speakers.
- Category:馬加希語俚語:一些亞文化人群所使用的馬加希語非標準用語。
- Category:馬加希語方言用語:馬加希語 terms that are not used in standard language but only in dialects.
- Category:馬加希語書面用語:馬加希語 terms whose usage is typically restricted to works of literature.
- Category:有罕用詞義的馬加希語詞:馬加希語中很少使用的詞語或具有很少使用的義項的詞語。
- Category:馬加希語粗俗用語:馬加希語 terms whose tone (rather than the meaning) is offensive to polite company.
- Category:馬加希語貶義用語:馬加希語 terms that belittle (lessen in value).