模組:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/it

This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for 意大利語 category pages of the format "意大利語 LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. 該模块是 poscatboiler 系統的一部分,該系統是用於生成分類頁面的描述和分類的通用框架。

有關更多資訊,請參閱Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/doc

注意:如果您新增了特定語言的模块,請將語言代碼新增至 Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific 頂部的清單中,使程式碼能識別該模块。

local labels = {}

labels["濁化拉丁語中/-p t k-/的詞"] = {
	description = "Several well-established Italian words show voicing of Latin /p t k/ to /b d ɡ/ between vowels, after a vowel and before /r/, and occasionally in other environments as well. (If this produces an intervocalic /b/, it subsequently turns to /v/.) Some of them are verifiable borrowings from Western Romance varieties, especially those spoken in northern Italy, where this sort of voicing is regular. There are, however, counterexamples such as [[fegato]], where voicing only applied to one of the possible segments; or [[lattuga]], where a geminate consonant is preserved; or [[codesto]], which lacks cognates out of Tuscan. This suggests that many of the words in question were simply taken from peripheral Tuscan dialects which do show such voicing—but not degemination of Latin /pp tt kk/—including ones with a preference for leniting /k/ rather than /p t/ (''Oxford guide to the Romance languages'', p. 212).",
	parents = {"terms by phonemic property"},

--                                                                         --
--                                  NOUNS                                  --
--                                                                         --

labels["複數時改變性別的名詞"] = {
	description = "Some Italian masculine nouns have both a masculine and a feminine plural form. There are no general rules, but often the feminine plural describes the collective or abstract aspect of the term, while the masculine plural emphasizes the individual parts. In other cases one plural form has become obsolete but is still used in fixed expressions. In some cases both forms are used with no obvious distinction in meaning.",
	parents = {"irregular nouns"},

--                                                                         --
--                                  VERBS                                  --
--                                                                         --

local conjugations = {
	["第一"] = "{{{langname}}} first conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin first conjugation verbs|first conjugation (-āre) verbs]]. " ..
		"All verbs in this conjugation end in {{m|it|-are}}.",
	["第二"] = "{{{langname}}} second conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin second conjugation verbs|second conjugation (-ēre)]] or [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] verbs. " ..
		"Most verbs in this conjugation end in {{m|it|-ere}}, but some, e.g. {{m|it|trarre}}, {{m|it|porre}}, {{m|it|dedurre}} and {{m|it|fare}}, have other endings.",
	["第三"] = "{{{langname}}} third conjugation verbs, derived from Latin [[:Category:Latin third conjugation verbs|third conjugation (-ere)]] or [[:Category:Latin fourth conjugation verbs|fourth conjugation (-īre)]] verbs. " ..
		"All verbs in this conjugation end in {{m|it|-ire}}.",

local conjugation_to_number = {
	["第一"] = 1,
	["第二"] = 2,
	["第三"] = 3,

labels["依變位分類的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by conjugation.",
	parents = {"依屈折分類的動詞"},

for conj, conjdesc in pairs(conjugations) do
	labels[conj .. "-conjugation verbs"] = {
		description = conjdesc,
		parents = {
			{name = "依變位分類的動詞", sort = conjugation_to_number[conj]},
		breadcrumb = conj,

for _, ending in ipairs { "-are", "-ere", "-ire" } do
	labels["以" .. ending .. "結尾的動詞"] = {
		description = "以{{m|it|" .. ending .. "}} 結尾的{{{langname}}}動詞。",
		displaytitle = "以{{m|it||" .. ending .. "}}結尾的{{{langname}}}動詞",
		parents = {{name = "依變位分類的動詞", sort = ending}},
		breadcrumb = "{{m|it||" .. ending .. "}}",

labels["不定式詞根重讀的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}}中不定式重音位於詞根而不是詞尾的動詞。",
	parents = {{name = "依變位分類的動詞"}},
	breadcrumb = "不定式詞根重讀",

labels["詞中音省略動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} 中不定式的詞中音被省略的動詞,通常是 ''-rre''。",
	parents = {{name = "依變位分類的動詞"}},

labels["依助動詞分類的動詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by the auxiliary they take in the composed tenses.",
	parents = {{name = "動詞", sort = "auxiliary"}},

labels["使用avere作為助動詞的動詞"] = {
	description = "使用 {{m|it|avere}} 構成複合時態變位的{{{langname}}}動詞。",
	parents = {{name = "依屈折分類的動詞", sort = "avere"}},
	breadcrumb = "{{m|it||avere}}作為助動詞",

labels["使用essere作為助動詞的動詞"] = {
	description = "使用 {{m|it|essere}} 構成複合時態變位的{{{langname}}}動詞。",
	parents = {{name = "依屈折分類的動詞", sort = "essere"}},
	breadcrumb = "{{m|it||essere}}作為助動詞",

for _, tense in ipairs { "present indicative", "present subjunctive", "imperfect indicative", "imperfect subjunctive",
		"past historic", "future", "conditional", "imperative",	"past participle", "present participle", "gerund" } do
	labels["verbs with irregular " .. tense] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with irregular " .. tense .. ".",
		parents = {{name = "不規則動詞", sort = tense}},
		breadcrumb = tense,
	labels["verbs with missing " .. tense] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} verbs missing the " .. tense .. ".",
		parents = {{name = "defective verbs", sort = "missing " .. tense}},
		breadcrumb = "missing " .. tense,

labels["pronominal verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with an attached clitic pronoun.",
	parents = {"動詞"},

labels["third-person-only verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs with forms that exist only in the third person, and have no imperatives.",
	parents = {{name = "defective verbs"}},
	breadcrumb = "third-person-only",

labels["verbs lacking composed tenses"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs that lack composed tenses such as {{m|it|(io) [[ho]] [[fatto]]|lit=I have done/made}} " ..
		"and {{m|it|(lui) [[aveva]] [[visto]]|lit=he had seen}}.",
	parents = {{name = "defective verbs"}},
	breadcrumb = "lacking composed tenses",

return {LABELS = labels}