local export = {}
local romut_module = "Module:romance utilities"
local u = require("Module:string/char")
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local TEMPC1 = u(0xFFF1)
local TEMPC2 = u(0xFFF2)
local TEMPV1 = u(0xFFF3)
local DIV = u(0xFFF4)
local vowel = "aeiouáéíóúý" .. TEMPV1
local V = "[" .. vowel .. "]"
local AV = "[áéíóúý]" -- accented vowel
local W = "[iyuw]" -- glide
local C = "[^" .. vowel .. ".]"
export.vowel = vowel
export.V = V
export.AV = AV
export.W = W
export.C = C
local remove_accent = {
["á"] = "a", ["é"] = "e", ["í"] = "i", ["ó"] = "o", ["ú"] = "u", ["ý"] = "y"
local add_accent = {
["a"] = "á", ["e"] = "é", ["i"] = "í", ["o"] = "ó", ["u"] = "ú", ["y"] = "ý"
export.remove_accent = remove_accent
export.add_accent = add_accent
local prepositions = {
"al? ",
"del? ",
"como ",
"con ",
"en ",
"para ",
"por ",
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
export.rsub = rsub
-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
while true do
local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
if new_term == term then
return term
term = new_term
export.rsub_repeatedly = rsub_repeatedly
-- Apply vowel alternation to stem.
function export.apply_vowel_alternation(stem, alternation)
local ret, err
-- Treat final -gu, -qu as a consonant, so the previous vowel can alternate (e.g. conseguir -> consigo).
-- This means a verb in -guar can't have a u-ú alternation but I don't think there are any verbs like that.
stem = rsub(stem, "([gq])u$", "%1" .. TEMPC1)
local before_last_vowel, last_vowel, after_last_vowel = rmatch(stem, "^(.*)(" .. V .. ")(.-)$")
if alternation == "ie" then
if last_vowel == "e" or last_vowel == "i" then
-- allow i for adquirir -> adquiero, inquirir -> inquiero, etc.
ret = before_last_vowel .. "ie" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -e- or -i- as the last vowel"
elseif alternation == "ye" then
if last_vowel == "e" then
ret = before_last_vowel .. "ye" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -e- as the last vowel"
elseif alternation == "ue" then
if last_vowel == "o" or last_vowel == "u" then
-- allow u for jugar -> juego; correctly handle avergonzar -> avergüenzo
ret = (
last_vowel == "o" and before_last_vowel:find("g$") and before_last_vowel .. "üe" .. after_last_vowel or
before_last_vowel .. "ue" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -o- or -u- as the last vowel"
elseif alternation == "hue" then
if last_vowel == "o" then
ret = before_last_vowel .. "hue" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -o- as the last vowel"
elseif alternation == "i" then
if last_vowel == "e" then
ret = before_last_vowel .. "i" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -i- as the last vowel"
elseif alternation == "í" then
if last_vowel == "e" or last_vowel == "i" then
-- allow e for reír -> río, sonreír -> sonrío
ret = before_last_vowel .. "í" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -e- or -i- as the last vowel"
elseif alternation == "ú" then
if last_vowel == "u" then
ret = before_last_vowel .. "ú" .. after_last_vowel
err = "should have -u- as the last vowel"
error("Unrecognized vowel alternation '" .. alternation .. "'")
ret = ret and ret:gsub(TEMPC1, "u") or nil
return {ret = ret, err = err}
-- Syllabify a word. This implements the full syllabification algorithm, based on the corresponding code
-- in [[Module:es-pronunc]]. This is more than is needed for the purpose of this module, which doesn't
-- care so much about syllable boundaries, but won't hurt.
function export.syllabify(word)
word = DIV .. word .. DIV
-- gu/qu + front vowel; make sure we treat the u as a consonant; a following
-- i should not be treated as a consonant ([[alguien]] would become ''álguienes''
-- if pluralized)
word = rsub(word, "([gq])u([eiéí])", "%1" .. TEMPC2 .. "%2")
local vowel_to_glide = { ["i"] = TEMPC1, ["u"] = TEMPC2 }
-- i and u between vowels should behave like consonants ([[paranoia]], [[baiano]], [[abreuense]],
-- [[alauita]], [[Malaui]], etc.)
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. V .. ")([iu])(" .. V .. ")",
function(v1, iu, v2) return v1 .. vowel_to_glide[iu] .. v2 end
-- y between consonants or after a consonant at the end of the word should behave like a vowel
-- ([[ankylosaurio]], [[cryptomeria]], [[brandy]], [[cherry]], etc.)
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. C .. ")y(" .. C .. ")",
function(c1, c2) return c1 .. TEMPV1 .. c2 end
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. V .. ")(" .. C .. W .. "?" .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. V .. C .. ")(" .. C .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. V .. C .. "+)(" .. C .. C .. V .. ")", "%1.%2")
word = rsub(word, "([pbcktdg])%.([lr])", ".%1%2")
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. C .. ")%.s(" .. C .. ")", "%1s.%2")
-- Any aeo, or stressed iu, should be syllabically divided from a following aeo or stressed iu.
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "([aeoáéíóúý])([aeoáéíóúý])", "%1.%2")
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "([ií])([ií])", "%1.%2")
word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "([uú])([uú])", "%1.%2")
word = rsub(word, "([" .. DIV .. TEMPC1 .. TEMPC2 .. TEMPV1 .. "])", {
[DIV] = "",
[TEMPC1] = "i",
[TEMPC2] = "u",
[TEMPV1] = "y",
return rsplit(word, "%.")
-- Return the index of the (last) stressed syllable.
function export.stressed_syllable(syllables)
-- If a syllable is stressed, return it.
for i = #syllables, 1, -1 do
if rfind(syllables[i], AV) then
return i
-- Monosyllabic words are stressed on that syllable.
if #syllables == 1 then
return 1
local i = #syllables
-- Unaccented words ending in a vowel or a vowel + s/n are stressed on the preceding syllable.
if rfind(syllables[i], V .. "[sn]?$") then
return i - 1
-- Remaining words are stressed on the last syllable.
return i
-- Add an accent to the appropriate vowel in a syllable, if not already accented.
function export.add_accent_to_syllable(syllable)
-- Don't do anything if syllable already stressed.
if rfind(syllable, AV) then
return syllable
-- Prefer to accent an a/e/o in case of a diphthong or triphthong (the first one if for some reason
-- there are multiple, which should not occur with the standard syllabification algorithm);
-- otherwise, do the last i or u in case of a diphthong ui or iu.
if rfind(syllable, "[aeo]") then
return rsub(syllable, "^(.-)([aeo])", function(prev, v) return prev .. add_accent[v] end)
return rsub(syllable, "^(.*)([iu])", function(prev, v) return prev .. add_accent[v] end)
-- Remove any accent from a syllable.
function export.remove_accent_from_syllable(syllable)
return rsub(syllable, AV, remove_accent)
-- Return true if an accent is needed on syllable number `sylno` if that syllable were to receive the stress,
-- given the syllables of a word. The current accent may be on any syllable.
function export.accent_needed(syllables, sylno)
-- Diphthongs iu and ui are normally stressed on the second vowel, so if the accent is on the first vowel,
-- it's needed.
if rfind(syllables[sylno], "íu") or rfind(syllables[sylno], "úi") then
return true
-- If the default-stressed syllable is different from `sylno`, accent is needed.
local unaccented_syllables = {}
for _, syl in ipairs(syllables) do
table.insert(unaccented_syllables, export.remove_accent_from_syllable(syl))
local would_be_stressed_syl = export.stressed_syllable(unaccented_syllables)
if would_be_stressed_syl ~= sylno then
return true
-- At this point, we know that the stress would by default go on `sylno`, given the syllabification in
-- `syllables`. Now we have to check for situations where removing the accent mark would result in a
-- different syllabification. For example, países -> `pa.i.ses` but removing the accent mark would lead
-- to `pai.ses`. Similarly, río -> `ri.o` but removing the accent mark would lead to single-syllable `rio`.
-- We need to check whether (a) the stress falls on an i or u; (b) in the absence of an accent mark, the
-- i or u would form a diphthong with a preceding or following vowel and the stress would be on that vowel.
-- The conditions are slightly different when dealing with preceding or following vowels because ui and ui
-- diphthongs are by default stressed on the second vowel. We also have to ignore h between the vowels.
local accented_syllable = export.add_accent_to_syllable(unaccented_syllables[sylno])
if sylno > 1 and rfind(unaccented_syllables[sylno - 1], "[aeo]$") and rfind(accented_syllable, "^h?[íú]") then
return true
if sylno < #syllables then
if rfind(accented_syllable, "í$") and rfind(unaccented_syllables[sylno + 1], "^h?[aeou]") or
rfind(accented_syllable, "ú$") and rfind(unaccented_syllables[sylno + 1], "^h?[aeio]") then
return true
return false
-- Add links around words. If multiword_only, do it only in multiword forms.
function export.add_links(form, multiword_only)
if form == "" or form == " " then
return form
if not form:find("%[%[") then
if rfind(form, "[%s%p]") then --optimization to avoid loading [[Module:headword]] on single-word forms
local m_headword = require("Module:headword")
if m_headword.head_is_multiword(form) then
form = m_headword.add_multiword_links(form)
if not multiword_only and not form:find("%[%[") then
form = "[[" .. form .. "]]"
return form
function export.strip_redundant_links(form)
-- Strip redundant brackets surrounding entire form.
return rmatch(form, "^%[%[([^%[%]]*)%]%]$") or form
function export.make_plural(form, gender, special)
local retval = require(romut_module).handle_multiword(form, special,
function(term) return export.make_plural(term, gender) end, prepositions)
if retval then
return retval
if gender == "gneut" and rfind(form, "[x@]$") then
return {form .. "s"}
-- ends in unstressed vowel or á, é, ó
if rfind(form, "[aeiouáéó]$") then return {form .. "s"} end
-- ends in í or ú
if rfind(form, "[íú]$") then
return {form .. "s", form .. "es"}
-- ends in a vowel + z
if rfind(form, V .. "z$") then
return {rsub(form, "z$", "ces")}
-- ends in tz
if rfind(form, "tz$") then return {form} end
local syllables = export.syllabify(form)
-- ends in s or x with more than 1 syllable, last syllable unstressed
if syllables[2] and rfind(form, "[sx]$") and not rfind(syllables[#syllables], AV) then
return {form}
-- ends in l, r, n, d, z, or j with 3 or more syllables, stressed on third to last syllable
if syllables[3] and rfind(form, "[lrndzj]$") and rfind(syllables[#syllables - 2], AV) then
return {form}
-- ends in an accented vowel + consonant
if rfind(form, AV .. C .. "$") then
return {rsub(form, "(.)(.)$", function(vowel, consonant)
return export.remove_accent[vowel] .. consonant .. "es"
-- ends in a vowel + y, l, r, n, d, j, s, x
if rfind(form, "[aeiou][ylrndjsx]$") then
-- two or more syllables: add stress mark to plural; e.g. joven -> jóvenes
if syllables[2] and rfind(form, "n$") then
syllables[#syllables - 1] = export.add_accent_to_syllable(syllables[#syllables - 1])
return {table.concat(syllables, "") .. "es"}
return {form .. "es"}
-- ends in a vowel + ch
if rfind(form, "[aeiou]ch$") then return {form .. "es"} end
-- ends in two consonants
if rfind(form, C .. C .. "$") then return {form .. "s"} end
-- ends in a vowel + consonant other than l, r, n, d, z, j, s, or x
if rfind(form, "[aeiou][^aeioulrndzjsx]$") then return {form .. "s"} end
return nil
function export.make_feminine(form, special)
local retval = require(romut_module).handle_multiword(form, special, export.make_feminine, prepositions)
if retval then
if #retval ~= 1 then
error("Internal error: Should have one return value for make_feminine: " .. table.concat(retval, ","))
return retval[1]
if form:find("o$") then
local retval = form:gsub("o$", "a") -- discard second retval
return retval
local function make_stem(form)
return rsub(
function (before_stress, stressed_vowel, after_stress)
return before_stress .. (export.remove_accent[stressed_vowel] or stressed_vowel) .. after_stress
if rfind(form, "[áíó]n$") or rfind(form, "[éí]s$") or rfind(form, "[dtszxñ]or$") or rfind(form, "ol$") then
-- holgazán, comodín, bretón (not común); francés, kirguís (not mandamás);
-- volador, agricultor, defensor, avizor, flexor, señor (not posterior, bicolor, mayor, mejor, menor, peor);
-- español, mongol
return make_stem(form) .. "a"
return form
function export.make_masculine(form, special)
local retval = require(romut_module).handle_multiword(form, special, export.make_masculine, prepositions)
if retval then
if #retval ~= 1 then
error("Internal error: Should have one return value for make_masculine: " .. table.concat(retval, ","))
return retval[1]
if form:find("dora$") then
local retval = form:gsub("a$", "") -- discard second retval
return retval
if form:find("a$") then
local retval = form:gsub("a$", "o") -- discard second retval
return retval
return form
return export