local export = {}
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_string_utilities = require("Module:string utilities")
local page_data = mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").page
local check_ancestor = require("Module:etymology").check_ancestor
local concat = table.concat
local find = string.find
local find_templates = require("Module:template parser").find_templates
local format_categories = require("Module:utilities").format_categories
local full_link = m_links.full_link
local get_lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode
local get_link_page = m_links.get_link_page
local get_section = require("Module:pages").get_section
local gsub = string.gsub
local html_create = mw.html.create
local insert = table.insert
local ipairs = ipairs
local language_anchor = require("Module:anchors").language_anchor
local max = math.max
local new_title = mw.title.new
local pairs = pairs
local process_params = require("Module:parameters").process
local split = m_string_utilities.split
local sub = string.sub
local tostring = tostring
local trim = m_string_utilities.trim
local type = type
local unpack = unpack
local frame
-- Normalize the language so that special handling of Chinese is accounted for.
-- This is everything in the Sinitic family which isn't a creole, pidgin or mixed language.
local function getNormLang(lang)
if lang:inFamily("zhx") and not lang:inFamily("crp", "qfa-mix") then
return get_lang("zh")
return lang
-- Given an etymon param, return its parts.
local function getParts(templateLang, etymonParam)
local etymonLang, etymonLangcode, etymonPage, etymonId
local parts = split(etymonParam, ">", true)
local n = #parts
for i = 1, n do
parts[i] = trim(parts[i])
-- FIXME: this doesn't work properly if nested templates output HTML tags, which is likely to cause bugs that are hard for ordinary users to fix.
if n == 2 then
-- Assume language is the same as the template call if none is provided.
etymonLang, etymonPage, etymonId = templateLang, unpack(parts)
etymonLangcode, etymonPage, etymonId = unpack(parts)
etymonLang = get_lang(etymonLangcode, true, true)
return etymonLang, etymonPage, etymonId
local argsOf = {}
local disambiguationCount = {}
local function scrapePage(etymonPage, etymonTitle, key, etymonLang, etymonId, redirectedFrom)
local content = etymonTitle:getContent()
if content == nil then
argsOf[key] = "redlink"
-- Search only the relevant L2 entry, unless it's a redirect, in which case search the whole page.
local redirectTarget = etymonTitle.redirectTarget
if not redirectTarget then
content = get_section(content, etymonLang:getFullName(), 2)
if content == nil then
argsOf[key] = "missing"
local etymonLangcode = etymonLang:getFullCode()
local L2_key = etymonLangcode .. ">" .. etymonPage
-- Search for the template on the page (even if this is a redirect page).
-- FIXME: mw.uri.anchorEncode on IDs. Not possible to implement until ">" syntax is fixed (see comment in getParts).
for template in find_templates(content) do
if template:get_name() == "etymon" or template:get_name() == "Etymon" then
local templateArgs = template:get_arguments()
if templateArgs[1] == etymonLangcode then
argsOf[L2_key .. ">" .. templateArgs["id"]] = templateArgs
disambiguationCount[L2_key] = (disambiguationCount[L2_key] or 0) + 1
if redirectedFrom and disambiguationCount[L2_key] then
disambiguationCount[redirectedFrom] = (disambiguationCount[redirectedFrom] or 0) + disambiguationCount[L2_key]
-- If scraping produced a result, there's nothing left to do.
if argsOf[key] then
-- Else if we've already followed a redirect and still found nothing, record the template as missing.
elseif redirectedFrom then
argsOf[key] = "missing"
-- Check if the page is a redirect, and if not record the template as missing.
if not redirectTarget then
argsOf[key] = "missing"
-- Otherwise, try again with the redirect target.
etymonPage = redirectTarget.prefixedText
scrapePage(etymonPage, redirectTarget, L2_key .. ">" .. etymonId, etymonLang, etymonId, L2_key)
-- Record the value as the same as the redirect's.
argsOf[key] = argsOf[etymonLangcode .. ">" .. etymonPage .. ">" .. etymonId]
-- Given an etymon, scrape the page and get its parameters.
-- This function returns either: a table of the params, "missing", "redlink", or "nolink"
local function getArgs(templateLang, etymonParam)
-- Get normalized parts of the etymon parameter.
local etymonLang, etymonPage, etymonId = getParts(templateLang, etymonParam)
-- "?" is a special value that unlinks the page. TODO: Figure this out...
if etymonId == "?" then
return "nolink"
-- If multiple terms are linked like A//B, only look at A.
etymonPage = string.match(etymonPage, "^(.-)//") or etymonPage
etymonPage = get_link_page(etymonPage, etymonLang)
etymonLang = getNormLang(etymonLang)
-- Find the parameters by scraping etymonPage.
-- Store data in the argsOf table to save time in case the same etymon is accessed again.
-- The key is a normalized version of etymonParam.
local key = etymonLang:getFullCode() .. ">" .. etymonPage .. ">" .. etymonId
if argsOf[key] == nil then
local etymonTitle = new_title(etymonPage)
if not etymonTitle then
-- This shouldn't happen: all unsupported titles should be resolved at this stage.
error("Invalid page title \"" .. etymonPage .. "\" encountered.")
scrapePage(etymonPage, etymonTitle, key, etymonLang, etymonId)
return argsOf[key]
-- [tag]: {abbreviation, label glossary anchor, start text, start text plus, middle text, forms groups}
-- Note: the keywords `afeq`, `conf`, and `unc` are also recognized, but do not use this dictionary.
-- Please do not add any new keywords without discussion or this list will get extremely unwieldy.
-- If we decide to add keywords for each thing I will have to figure out a systematic way to organize them.
local keywordDict = {
["from"] = {false, false, "From", "From", "from", false, false},
["inh"] = {false, false, "From", "[[Appendix:Glossary#繼承|繼承]]自", "from", false},
["af"] = {false, false, "From", "From", "from", true},
["blend"] = {"blend.", "blend", "混成詞,源自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#混成詞|混成詞]],源自", "a blend of", true},
["bor"] = {"bor.", "borrowing", "借自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#借|借]]自", "borrowed from", false},
["lbor"] = {"lbor.", "learned_borrowing", "古典借詞,源自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#古典借詞|古典借詞]],源自", "borrowed from", false},
["obor"] = {"obor.", "orthographic_borrowing", "形譯詞,源自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#形譯詞|形譯詞]],源自", "borrowed from", false},
["slbor"] = {"slbor.", "semi-learned_borrowing", "半接觸借詞,源自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#半接觸借詞|半接觸借詞]],源自", "borrowed from", false},
["der"] = {"der.", "derived_terms", "派生自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#派生|派生]]自", "from", false},
["calque"] = {"calq.", "calque", "仿譯自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#仿譯|仿譯]]自", "a calque of", false},
["sl"] = {"sl.", "semantic loan", "意譯自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#意譯|意譯]]自", "a semantic loan of", false},
["bf"] = {"bf.", "back-formation", "逆構詞,源自", "[[Appendix:Glossary#逆構詞|逆構詞]],源自", "a back-formation from", false},
["translit"] = {"translit.", "transliteration", "Transliteration", "[[Appendix:Glossary#transliteration|Transliteration]] of", "borrowed from", false},
["influence"] = {"influ.", "contamination", "", "", "", false}
-- This function takes an etymon and recursively builds a tree to display in an entry.
local function etyTree(currTitle, lang, args, alreadySeen, isTopLevel, isUncertain, label)
local treeWidth = 0
local treeHeight = 0
local subtree, subtreeHeight, subtreeWidth, etymonLang, etymonPage, etymonArgs
local subtrees = {}
local currId = ""
if type(args) == "table" then
currId = args["id"]
local key = getNormLang(lang):getFullCode() .. ">" .. get_link_page(currTitle, lang) .. ">" .. currId
local derType, confidence, ignoreEtymons = "from", "conf", false
-- Only recurse when an etymon has params and was not included in the tree previously.
if type(args) == "table" and alreadySeen[key] == nil then
local templateLang = get_lang(args[1], true, true)
-- Add the page to alreadySeen, which keeps track of what's already been added to the tree and the depth reached.
alreadySeen[key] = true
-- Loop over each parameter in the current template.
for i, param in ipairs(args) do
if i > 1 and find(param, ">") and not ignoreEtymons then
etymonLang, etymonPage = getParts(templateLang, param)
-- Scrape the page and get the parameters.
etymonArgs = getArgs(templateLang, param)
-- Recurse into the etymon and append its tree to the list of subtrees.
subtree, subtreeHeight, subtreeWidth = etyTree(etymonPage, etymonLang, etymonArgs, alreadySeen, false, confidence == "unc", derType)
insert(subtrees, subtree)
treeHeight = max(treeHeight, subtreeHeight)
treeWidth = treeWidth + subtreeWidth
elseif i > 1 then
-- Reached a keyword.
if param == "conf" or param == "unc" then
confidence = param
elseif keywordDict[param] ~= nil then
ignoreEtymons = false
confidence = "conf"
derType = param
ignoreEtymons = true
-- Create link.
local link = "<span style=\"display:inline-block\" class=\"etyl\">" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. "</span> <span style=\"display:inline-block\">"
if isTopLevel then
link = link .. full_link({lang=lang, alt="'''" .. currTitle .. "'''"}, "term")
elseif currId == "" then
link = link .. full_link({lang=lang, term=currTitle}, "term")
link = link .. full_link({lang=lang, term=currTitle, id=currId}, "term")
link = link .. "</span>"
-- Create tree.
local tree = ""
if #subtrees == 1 then
-- Add long top connector.
tree = tree .. "<span style=\"position:relative;height:20px;border-right:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e)\"></span>"
elseif #subtrees >= 2 then
--Add short top connector.
tree = tree .. "<span style=\"position:relative;height:10px;border-right:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e)\"></span>"
--Create term block.
tree = tree .. "<div style=\"position:relative;text-align:center;padding:5px 10px;background:var(--wikt-palette-beige,#fffbf2);border:1px solid var(--wikt-palette-lightgrey,#ccc);border-radius:4px\">" .. link
-- Add derivation and uncertainty labels.
-- TODO: make the CSS less horrible.
if (label ~= "" and keywordDict[label][1] ~= false) or isUncertain then
tree = tree .. "<span style=\"z-index:1;position:absolute;transform:translate(-50%);top:calc(100% + 5px);left:50%;border-radius:2px;background:var(--wikt-palette-cyan,#eaffff);font-size:12px;height:10px;line-height:10px\">"
if label ~= "" and keywordDict[label][1] ~= false then
tree = tree .. "[[Appendix:Glossary#" .. keywordDict[label][2] .. "|<abbr title=\"" .. gsub(keywordDict[label][2], "_", " ") .. "\" style=\"color:var(--wikt-palette-black,#202122);font-style:italic;text-decoration:none\">" .. keywordDict[label][1] .. "</abbr>]]"
if isUncertain then
-- Add uncertainty label next to the derivation label.
tree = tree .. "<abbr title=\"uncertain\" style=\"position:absolute;top:50%;transform:translate(0,-48%);left:calc(100% + 2px);font-size:10px;border-radius:2px;background:var(--wikt-palette-pink,#ffe0f0);padding:1px 2px;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none\">?</abbr>"
elseif isUncertain then
-- Add uncertainty label in the middle.
tree = tree .. "<abbr title=\"uncertain\" style=\"position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(calc(-50% - 1px),-50%);font-size:10px;border-radius:2px;background:var(--wikt-palette-pink,#ffe0f0);padding:1px 2px;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none\">?</span>"
tree = tree .. "</span>"
tree = tree .. "</div>"
-- Append subtrees.
if #subtrees == 1 then
tree = subtrees[1] .. tree
elseif #subtrees >= 2 then
local subtreeString = ""
for i,v in ipairs(subtrees) do
if i == 1 then
-- Add left connector.
v = v .. "<span style=\"align-self:start;left:50%;width:calc(50% + 0.25em);height:10px;position:relative;border-bottom:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e);border-left:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e);border-bottom-left-radius:4px\"></span>"
elseif i == #subtrees then
-- Add right connector.
v = v .. "<span style=\"align-self:end;right:50%;width:calc(50% + 0.25em);height:10px;position:relative;border-bottom:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e);border-right:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e);border-bottom-right-radius:4px\"></span>"
-- Add a short bottom connector and middle connector.
v = v .. "<span style=\"position:relative;height:10px;border-right:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e)\"></span><span style=\"position:relative;width:calc(100% + 0.5em);border-bottom:2px solid var(--wikt-palette-grey,#9e9e9e)\"></span>"
-- Add column div.
v = "<div style=\"display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center\">" .. v .. "</div>"
subtreeString = subtreeString .. v
tree = "<div style=\"position:relative;display:flex;column-gap:0.5em;align-items:end\">" .. subtreeString .. "</div>" .. tree
--Reached a leaf node.
treeWidth = treeWidth + 1
-- Add outer divs.
if isTopLevel then
tree = "<div style=\"width:fit-content;margin:auto;padding:0.5em;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center\">" .. tree .. "</div>"
tree = "<div class=\"etytree NavFrame\" data-etytree-height=\"" .. treeHeight + 1 .. "\" data-etytree-width=\"" .. treeWidth .. "\"><div class=\"NavHead\" style=\"background:var(--wikt-palette-lightergrey,#eeeeee)\"><div style=\"width:25em\">詞源樹</div></div><div class=\"NavContent\" style=\"overflow:auto\">" .. tree .. "</div></div>"
return tree, treeHeight + 1, treeWidth
-- This function takes an etymon and generates some text to display in an entry.
-- Currently, it is only able to handle simple combinations of parameters.
local function etyText(title, lang, args, usePlusTemplates, maxDepth)
local text = ""
local depth = 1
local alreadyWritten = {}
local key, currLang, group, groupType, groupConfidence, confidence, derType, foundGroup, complexParams, ignoreEtymons, etymonLang, etymonTitle, etymonId, templateLang
-- Loop and continuously expand the sentence until we reach the end of the chain.
while not maxDepth or depth <= maxDepth do
group, groupType, groupConfidence, confidence, derType, foundGroup, complexParams, ignoreEtymons, currLang = {}, "from", "conf", "conf", "from", false, false, false, lang
key = getNormLang(lang):getFullCode() .. ">" .. get_link_page(title, lang) .. ">" .. args["id"]
templateLang = get_lang(args[1], true, true)
-- Stop if we encounter an already-seen term.
if alreadyWritten[key] ~= nil then
alreadyWritten[key] = true
for i, param in ipairs(args) do
if i > 1 and find(param, ">") and not ignoreEtymons then
-- The text should only continue if `args` is either (not including `influence` or `afeq` etymons):
-- A single etymon, or single `af` group. Otherwise the parameters are too "complex" and are rejected.
-- TODO: add smarter handling for complex parameters.
if foundGroup or (#group == 1 and not keywordDict[derType][6]) then
complexParams = true
groupType = derType
if confidence == "unc" then
groupConfidence = "unc"
insert(group, param)
elseif i > 1 then
-- Reached a keyword.
if param == "unc" then
confidence = param
elseif param == "afeq" or param == "influence" then
ignoreEtymons = true
if #group == 1 then
foundGroup = true
ignoreEtymons = false
confidence = "conf"
derType = param
if #group == 1 then
foundGroup = true
if complexParams or #group == 0 then
if #group == 1 then
args = getArgs(templateLang, group[1])
if text == "" then
-- Start the sentence.
if groupConfidence == "conf" and not usePlusTemplates then
text = keywordDict[groupType][3]
elseif groupConfidence == "conf" and usePlusTemplates then
text = keywordDict[groupType][4]
text = "Possibly " .. keywordDict[groupType][5]
-- Add a phrase onto the sentence.
if groupConfidence == "conf" then
text = text .. ", " .. keywordDict[groupType][5]
text = text .. ", possibly " .. keywordDict[groupType][5]
-- Add the links.
for i = 1,#group do
etymonLang, etymonTitle, etymonId = getParts(templateLang, group[i])
--Make sure ID exists prior to linking to it.
if type(getArgs(templateLang, group[i])) ~= "table" then
etymonId = nil
if etymonLang:getCanonicalName() ~= currLang:getCanonicalName() then
group[i] = etymonLang:makeWikipediaLink() .. " " .. full_link({lang=etymonLang, term=etymonTitle, id=etymonId}, "term")
currLang = etymonLang
group[i] = full_link({lang=etymonLang, term=etymonTitle, id=etymonId}, "term")
text = text .. " " .. concat(group, " + ")
depth = depth + 1
if #group >= 2 then
lang = etymonLang
title = etymonTitle
if type(args) ~= "table" then
-- Add a period at the end of the sentence.
if text ~= "" then
text = text .. "."
return text
-- This function take an etymon and recursively generates categories to add to the entry.
-- Currently the behaviour tries to emulate existing templates including {{dercat}}.
-- More specific and useful categories are planned pending consensus (e.g. take confidence into account).
local categories = {}
local alreadySeenByEtyCategories = {}
local function etyCategories(title, lang, args, isTopLevel, passedThroughOtherLanguage, inInhChain)
local etymonLang, categoryEtymonTitle, etymonTitle, normTitle, etymonId, etymonLangName, etymonNormLangName, etymonArgs, key, L2_key, etymonPassedThroughOtherLanguage, etymonInInhChain, categoryName
local currGroupLength = 0
local derType = "from"
local templateLang = get_lang(args[1], true, true)
local langName = lang:getFullName()
for i, param in ipairs(args) do
if i > 1 and find(param, ">") then
currGroupLength = currGroupLength + 1
etymonLang, etymonTitle, etymonId = getParts(templateLang, param)
normTitle = get_link_page(etymonTitle, etymonLang)
L2_key = getNormLang(etymonLang):getFullCode() .. ">" .. normTitle
key = L2_key .. ">" .. etymonId
etymonLangName = etymonLang:getCanonicalName()
etymonNormLangName = getNormLang(etymonLang):getFullName()
etymonInInhChain = inInhChain and (derType == "from" or derType == "inh")
etymonPassedThroughOtherLanguage = passedThroughOtherLanguage or langName ~= etymonNormLangName
etymonArgs = getArgs(templateLang, param)
categoryEtymonTitle = etymonTitle
if sub(etymonTitle, 1, 15) == "Reconstruction:" then
categoryEtymonTitle = gsub(etymonTitle, "^Reconstruction:[^/]+%/", "*")
-- Add basic derivation categories.
if etymonPassedThroughOtherLanguage and langName == etymonNormLangName then
categories[langName .. " terms borrowed back into " .. langName] = true
if etymonNormLangName ~= langName then
categories["派生自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"] = true
if etymonNormLangName ~= langName and etymonInInhChain then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "繼承詞"] = true
-- Add borrowing categories.
if isTopLevel then
if derType == "bor" or derType == "lbor" or derType == "slbor" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "借詞"] = true
if derType == "lbor" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "古典借詞"] = true
elseif derType == "calque" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "仿譯詞"] = true
elseif derType == "sl" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "意譯詞"] = true
elseif derType == "slbor" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "半接觸借詞"] = true
elseif derType == "translit" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "音譯詞"] = true
elseif derType == "bf" then
categories[langName .. "逆構詞"] = true
elseif derType == "blend" then
categories[langName .. "混成詞"] = true
elseif derType == "obor" then
categories["源自" .. etymonLangName .. "的" .. langName .. "形譯詞"] = true
-- Add affix categories.
if type(etymonArgs) == "table" and etymonArgs["pos"] ~= nil and (derType == "af" or "derType" == "afeq") and not etymonPassedThroughOtherLanguage then
-- Ugly duplicated code...
if (etymonArgs["pos"] == "prefix" or etymonArgs["pos"] == "suffix" or etymonArgs["pos"] == "interfix" or etymonArgs["pos"] == "infix") then
if etymonArgs["pos"] == "prefix" then
categoryName = "含有前綴" .. categoryEtymonTitle .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"
elseif etymonArgs["pos"] == "suffix" then
categoryName = "含有後綴" .. categoryEtymonTitle .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"
elseif etymonArgs["pos"] == "interfix" then
categoryName = "含有間綴" .. categoryEtymonTitle .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"
elseif etymonArgs["pos"] == "infix" then
categoryName = "含有中綴" .. categoryEtymonTitle .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"
-- Add ID if necessary for disambiguation.
if disambiguationCount[L2_key] > 1 then
categoryName = categoryName .. " (" .. etymonId .. ")"
categories[categoryName] = true
-- Add root categories.
if type(etymonArgs) == "table" and etymonArgs["pos"] == "root" then
if etymonPassedThroughOtherLanguage then
categoryName = "來自" .. etymonLangName .. "詞根" .. categoryEtymonTitle .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"
categoryName = "詞根為" .. categoryEtymonTitle .. "的" .. langName .. "詞"
-- Add ID if necessary for disambiguation.
if disambiguationCount[L2_key] > 1 then
categoryName = categoryName .. " (" .. etymonId .. ")"
categories[categoryName] = true
-- Recurse into the etymon.
if derType ~= "afeq" and derType ~= "influence" and alreadySeenByEtyCategories[key] == nil and type(etymonArgs) == "table" then
alreadySeenByEtyCategories[key] = true
etyCategories(title, lang, etymonArgs, false, etymonPassedThroughOtherLanguage, etymonInInhChain)
elseif i > 1 and param ~= "unc" and param ~= "conf" then
derType = param
currGroupLength = 0
if isTopLevel then
local output = {}
local sortkey = lang:makeSortKey(title)
for category, _ in pairs(categories) do
insert(output, "[[Category:" .. category .. "|" .. sortkey .. "]]")
return concat(output)
local function paramsSanityCheck(lang, params, id, title, pos)
if mw.ustring.len(id) < 1 then -- L10N
error("The `id` parameter must have at least two characters. See the [[Template:etymon/documentation#Parameters|documentation]] for more details.")
elseif id == title or id == page_data.pagename then
error("The `id` parameter must not be the same as the page title. Be more creative. See the [[Template:etymon/documentation#Parameters|documentation]] for more details.")
if (pos and pos ~= "prefix" and pos ~= "suffix" and pos ~= "interfix" and pos ~= "infix" and pos ~= "root") then
error("Unknown value provided for `pos`. Allowed values are: prefix, suffix, interfix, infix, root.")
local paramLang, paramTitle, paramId
local currKeyword = "from"
local singleAfParam = "not in group"
local output = ""
for _, param in ipairs(params) do
if find(param, ">") then
--In this case, `templateLang` is the same as `lang` because we are at the top level.
paramLang, paramTitle, paramId = getParts(lang, param)
-- Check for link errors.
full_link({lang=lang, term=paramTitle, id=paramId}, "term")
--Add a maintenance category if an invalid ID is provided.
if getArgs(lang, param) == "missing" or getArgs(lang, param) == "redlink" then
if page_data.namespace == "" or page_data.namespace == "Reconstruction" or page_data.namespace == "Appendix" then
-- output = "[[Category:" .. lang:getFullName() .. " entries referencing etymons with invalid IDs]]"
-- output = "[[Category:Entries referencing etymons with invalid IDs/hidden]]"
if currKeyword == "from" then
if paramLang:getFullCode() ~= lang:getFullCode() then
error("Error: " .. param .. " is associated with `from` (same-language derivation) but is of language `" .. paramLang:getFullCode() .. "`, which does not match the current entry language (`" .. lang:getFullCode() .. "`); see the [[Template:etymon/documentation#Derivation keywords|documentation]] for more details.")
elseif currKeyword == "inh" then
check_ancestor(lang, paramLang)
elseif keywordDict[currKeyword] and keywordDict[currKeyword][6] then
if singleAfParam == "not in group" then
singleAfParam = param
singleAfParam = "found group"
elseif (currKeyword == "bor" or currKeyword == "lbor" or currKeyword == "obor" or currKeyword == "slbor" or currKeyword == "der" or currKeyword == "calque" or currKeyword == "sl") and (paramLang:getCode() == lang:getCode()) then
error("Error: " .. param .. " is associated with `" .. currKeyword .. "` but has the same language (`" .. paramLang:getCode() .. "`) as the current entry; see the [[Template:etymon/documentation#Derivation keywords|documentation]] for more details.")
elseif param ~= "unc" and param ~= "conf" and param ~= "afeq" and keywordDict[param] == nil then
error("Received unknown keyword: " .. param)
elseif param ~= "unc" and param ~= "conf" then
currKeyword = param
if singleAfParam == "found group" then
singleAfParam = "not in group"
if singleAfParam ~= "not in group" and singleAfParam ~= "found group" then
error("Detected `af` or group containing only a single etymon: `" .. singleAfParam .. "`; note that `af` and `afeq` groups must have at least two etymons. See the [[Template:etymon/documentation#Derivation keywords|documentation]] for more details.")
return output
function export.main(_frame)
frame = _frame
-- Process argument input.
local args = process_params(frame:getParent().args, mw.loadData("Module:parameters/data").etymon)
local lang = args[1]
-- Store non-numeric parameters as locals, then treat the main numeric list as `args`.
local id = args["id"]
local title = args["title"]
local text = args["text"]
local tree = args["tree"]
local exnihilo = args["exnihilo"]
local pos = args["pos"]
args = args[2]
-- The `title` parameter is used for overriding the page title.
if title == nil then
-- Get the canonical pagename.
title = page_data.pagename
-- Determine if current term is reconstructed.
if page_data.namespace == "Reconstruction" or lang:hasType("reconstructed") then
title = "*" .. title
local output = {paramsSanityCheck(lang, args, id, title, pos)}
-- Add the langcode and `id`, to match the format of scraped parameters.
insert(args, 1, lang:getCode())
args["id"] = id
argsOf[args[1] .. ">" .. title .. ">" .. id] = args
-- Add anchor and categories to output.
insert(output, tostring(html_create("ul")
:attr("id", language_anchor(lang, id))
if page_data.namespace == "" or page_data.namespace == "Reconstruction" or page_data.namespace == "Appendix" then
insert(output, etyCategories(title, lang, args, true, false, true))
-- Special categories.
if exnihilo then
insert(output, format_categories({lang:getFullName() .. " terms coined ex nihilo"}, lang))
-- Insert tree.
if tree then
insert(output, frame:extensionTag("templatestyles", nil, {src="Module:etymon/styles.css"}))
insert(output, (etyTree(title, lang, args, {}, true, false, "")))
insert(output, format_categories({"有詞源樹的" .. lang:getFullName() .. "詞條"}, lang))
-- Insert text.
if text then
insert(output, format_categories({lang:getFullName() .. " entries with etymology texts"}, lang))
if text == "++" then
insert(output, etyText(title, lang, args, true, false))
elseif text == "+" then
insert(output, etyText(title, lang, args, true, 1))
elseif text == "-" then
insert(output, etyText(title, lang, args, false, 1))
elseif text ~= nil then
insert(output, etyText(title, lang, args, false, false))
return concat(output)
return export