local export = {}
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("eu")
function export.verb_form(frame)
local params = {
[1] = {required = true},
[2] = {required = true},
[3] = {},
[4] = {},
["gloss"] = {},
["t"] = {alias_of = "gloss"},
["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"},
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local text = ""
local nocat = true
local cats = {}
local dot = "."
if args.nodot == true then
dot = ""
--throw an error if the arguments 3/4 are being used with non-finite forms
if (args[2] == "impfpar" or args[2] == "fpar" or args[2] == "vn" or args[2] == "short" or args[2] == "mall" or args[2] == "fall") and (args[3] or args[4]) then
error("The parameters 3 and 4 are not used with non-finite or allocutive forms")
--process the person parameters
local nor = ""
local nori = ""
local nork = ""
local nor_l = ""
local nori_l = ""
local nork_l = ""
if args[2] == "nor" or args[2] == "nor-nori" or args[2] == "nor-nork" or args[2] == "nor-nori-nork" then
if args[3] then
person_arguments = mw.text.split(args[3], " ")
error("Please provide a person paramter.")
if (args[2] == "nor" and #person_arguments ~= 1) or (args[2] == "nor-nori" and #person_arguments ~= 2) or (args[2] == "nor-nori-nork" and #person_arguments ~= 3) then
error("Invalid person parameter.")
if args[2] == "nor" or args[2] == "nor-nori" then --process the "nor" parameter in nor and nor-nori verbs
nor = person_arguments[1]
if nor == "ni" then
nor_l = "第一人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "ni", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "hi" then
nor_l = "非正式第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hi", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "hura" then
nor_l = "第三人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hura", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "gu" then
nor_l = "第一人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "gu", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "zu" then
nor_l = "第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zu", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "zuek" then
nor_l = "第二人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zuek", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "haiek" then
nor_l = "第三人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "haiek", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
error("Invalid nor argument.")
if args[2] == "nor-nori" or args[2] == "nor-nori-nork" then --process the "nori" parameter
nori = person_arguments[2]
if nori == "niri" then
nori_l = "第一人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "niri", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "hiri" then
nori_l = "非正式第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hiri", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "hirim" then
nori_l = "非正式第二人稱單數陽性 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hiri", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "hirif" then
nori_l = "非正式第二人稱單數陰性 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hiri", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "hari" then
nori_l = "第三人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hari", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "guri" then
nori_l = "第一人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "guri", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "zuri" then
nori_l = "第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zuri", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "zuei" then
nori_l = "第二人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zuei", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nori == "haiei" then
nori_l = "第三人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "haiei", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
error("Invalid nori argument.")
if args[2] == "nor-nork" or args[2] == "nor-nori-nork" then --process the "nork" parameter and the "nor" parameter in nor-nork and nor-nori-nork verbs
nork = person_arguments[1]
if args[2] == "nor-nork" then
nor = person_arguments[2]
nor = person_arguments[3]
if nork == "nik" then
nork_l = "第一人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "nik", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "hik" then
nork_l = "非正式第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hik", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "hikm" then
nork_l = "非正式第二人稱單數陽性 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hik", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "hikf" then
nork_l = "非正式第二人稱單數陰性 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hik", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "hark" then
nork_l = "第三人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hark", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "guk" then
nork_l = "第一人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "guk", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "zuk" then
nork_l = "第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zuk", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "zuek" then
nork_l = "第二人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zuek", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nork == "haiek" then
nork_l = "第三人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "haiek", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
error("Invalid nork argument.")
if nor == "ni" then
nor_l = "第一人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "ni", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "hi" then
nor_l = "非正式第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hi", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "hura" then
nor_l = "第三人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "hura", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "gu" then
nor_l = "第一人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "gu", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "zu" then
nor_l = "第二人稱單數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zu", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "zuek" then
nor_l = "第二人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "zuek", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
elseif nor == "haiek" then
nor_l = "第三人稱複數 (" .. m_links.full_link({term = "haiek", lang = lang}, "term") .. ")"
error("Invalid nor argument.")
--generate the text
if args[2] == "impfpar" then
text = "未完成時分詞"
nocat = false
cats = {"巴斯克語未完成時分詞"}
elseif args[2] == "fpar" then
text = "未來時分詞"
nocat = false
cats = {"巴斯克語未來時分詞"}
elseif args[2] == "short" then
text = "Short form of"
nocat = false
cats = {"巴斯克語短動詞形式"}
elseif args[2] == "vn" then
text = "動詞性名詞"
nocat = false
cats = {"巴斯克語動詞性名詞"}
elseif args[2] == "mall" then
text = "陽性 allocutive 形式"
nocat = false
cats = {"巴斯克語陽性 allocutive 動詞變位形式"}
elseif args[2] == "fall" then
text = "陰性 allocutive 形式"
nocat = false
cats = {"巴斯克語陰性 allocutive 動詞變位形式"}
elseif args[2] == "nor" then
text = nor_l
elseif args[2] == "nor-nori" then
text = nor_l .. ",以" .. nori_l .. "作為間接受格,"
elseif args[2] == "nor-nork" then
text = nork_l .. ",以" .. nor_l .. "作為直接受格,"
elseif args[2] == "nor-nori-nork" then
text = nork_l .. ",以" .. nori_l .. "作為間接受格、" .. nor_l .. "作為直接受格,"
error("Invalid verb form type.")
--add tenses
if args[2] == "nor" or args[2] == "nor-nori" or args[2] == "nor-nork" or args[2] == "nor-nori-nork" then
if args[4] == "presi" then
text = text .. "現在時直陳形式"
elseif args[4] == "pasti" then
text = text .. "過去時直陳形式"
elseif args[4] == "cond" then
text = text .. "直陳條件形式"
elseif args[4] == "hcons" then
text = text .. "假設直陳條件形式"
elseif args[4] == "pcons" then
text = text .. "過去時直陳條件形式"
elseif args[4] == "futi" then --forms like dateke (archaic or dialectal, not found in most learning materials)
text = text .. "未來時直陳形式"
elseif args[4] == "presp" then
text = text .. "現在時潛在形式"
elseif args[4] == "pastp" then
text = text .. "過去時潛在形式"
elseif args[4] == "hypp" then
text = text .. "假設潛在形式"
elseif args[4] == "ccond" then --forms like banadi (archaic, not found in most learning materials)
text = text .. "封閉條件潛在形式"
elseif args[4] == "dcond" then --forms like banendi (archaic, not found in most learning materials)
text = text .. "遠指條件潛在形式"
elseif args[4] == "press" then
text = text .. "現在時虛擬形式"
elseif args[4] == "hyps" then
text = text .. "假設虛擬形式"
elseif args[4] == "pasts" then
text = text .. "過去時虛擬形式"
elseif args[4] == "imp" then
text = text .. "現在時祈使形式"
error("Please provide a valid tense/mood.")
local lemma_obj = {lang = lang, term = args[1], gloss = args["gloss"]}
return require("Module:form of").format_form_of{text = " 的" .. text, lemmas = {lemma_obj}, lemma_face = "term", posttext = dot} .. (nocat and "" or m_utilities.format_categories(cats, lang))
return export