local inflections = {}

local function add_inflection(infl_func)
	local ret_table = {}
	setmetatable(ret_table, {__call = infl_func})
	return ret_table

local function mutate_a(form)
	local ret = mw.ustring.gsub(form, "a([bcdfglmnprstvz])$", "â%1")
	return ret

inflections["â"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a regular ''[[-â#Friulian|-â]]'' verb, along with verbs like ''amâ''."}
	data.conj = "first conjugation"
	data.forms.inf = {args[1] .. "â"}
	data.forms.gerund = {args[1] .. "ânt"}

	data.forms.m_past_part = {args[1] .. "ât"}
	data.forms.m_pl_past_part = {args[1] .. "âts"}
	data.forms.f_past_part = {args[1] .. "âde"}
	data.forms.f_pl_past_part = {args[1] .. "âdis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "i"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "is"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "e"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "ais"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "in"}

	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "avi"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "avis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "ave"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "avin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "avis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "avin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ai"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "aris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "à"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "arin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "aris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "arin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "arai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "arâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "arà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "arìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "arês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "aran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {args[1] .. "arès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {args[1] .. "aressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {args[1] .. "arès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {args[1] .. "aressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {args[1] .. "aressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {args[1] .. "aressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "i"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "is"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "i"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {args[1] .. "ais"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "in"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "às"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "assis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "às"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "assin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {args[1] .. "assis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "assin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {args[1] .. "e"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {args[1] .. "ait"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第一變位動詞")

inflections["çâ"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["â"]({args[1] .. "ç"}, data)
    data.forms.comment = {"This was conjugated like a regular ''[[-â#Friulian|-â]]'' verb, but with a change from ''-ç-'' to ''-c-'' before front vowels (''i'' and ''e'')."}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ci"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "cis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "ce"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "cìn"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "cin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "ci"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "cis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "ci"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "cìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "cin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {args[1] .. "ce"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {args[1] .. "cìn"}

inflections["ê"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["i"](args, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a regular ''[[-ê#Friulian|-ê]]'' verb, with few paradigms similar to ''-i'' verbs."}
	data.conj = "second conjugation"
	data.forms.inf = {args[1] .. "ê"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {mutate_a(args[1])}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {mutate_a(args[1])}

	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {mutate_a(args[1]) .. "eve"}

	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {mutate_a(args[1]) .. "ès"}

	data.forms.imp_2sg = {mutate_a(args[1])}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第二變位動詞")

inflections["i"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data, nocat)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a regular ''[[-i#Friulian|-i]]'' verb."}
	data.conj = "third conjugation"
	data.forms.inf = {args[1] .. "i"}
	data.forms.gerund = {args[1] .. "int"}

	data.forms.m_past_part = {args[1] .. "ût"}
	data.forms.m_pl_past_part = {args[1] .. "ûts"}
	data.forms.f_past_part = {args[1] .. "ûde"}
	data.forms.f_pl_past_part = {args[1] .. "ûdis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {args[1]}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "is"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {args[1]}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "ês"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "in"}

	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "evi"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "evis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "eve"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "evin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "evis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "evin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ei"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "eris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "è"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "erin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "eris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "erin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "arai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "arâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "arà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "arìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "arês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "aran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {args[1] .. "arès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {args[1] .. "aressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {args[1] .. "arès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {args[1] .. "aressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {args[1] .. "aressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {args[1] .. "aressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "i"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "is"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "i"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {args[1] .. "ês"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "in"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "ès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "essis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "ès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "essin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {args[1] .. "essis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "essin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {args[1]}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {args[1] .. "êt"}

	if not nocat then table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第三變位動詞") end

inflections["odi"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["i"]({args[1] .. "od"}, data)
    data.forms.comment = {"This verb is conjugated like regular ''[[-i#Friulian|-i]]'' verbs, but this type was slightly irregular, because in indicative present and imperative tenses, some of endings were lengthened and the final consonant being devoiced."}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ôt"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "ôt"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {args[1] .. "ôt"}

inflections["î"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data, nocat)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a regular ''[[-î#Friulian|-î]]'' verb with repeated appearance of ''-iss'' infixes."}
	data.conj = "fourth conjugation with infix"
	data.forms.inf = {args[1] .. "î"}
	data.forms.gerund = {args[1] .. "înt"}

	data.forms.m_past_part = {args[1] .. "ît", args[1] .. "ût"}
	data.forms.m_pl_past_part = {args[1] .. "îts", args[1] .. "ûts"}
	data.forms.f_past_part = {args[1] .. "îde", args[1] .. "ûde"}
	data.forms.f_pl_past_part = {args[1] .. "îdes", args[1] .. "ûdes"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ìs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "issis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "ìs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "in"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "ìs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "issin"}

	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ivi"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "ivis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "ive"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "ivin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "ivis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "ivin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "ii"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "iris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "ì"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "irin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "iris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "irin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {args[1] .. "irai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {args[1] .. "irâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {args[1] .. "irà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {args[1] .. "irìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {args[1] .. "irês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {args[1] .. "iran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {args[1] .. "irès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {args[1] .. "iressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {args[1] .. "irès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {args[1] .. "iressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {args[1] .. "iressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {args[1] .. "iressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "issi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "issis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "issi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {args[1] .. "îs"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "issin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {args[1] .. "ìs"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {args[1] .. "issis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {args[1] .. "ìs"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {args[1] .. "issin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {args[1] .. "issis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {args[1] .. "issin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {args[1] .. "ìs"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {args[1] .. "ìn"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {args[1] .. "ît"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第四變位動詞")


inflections.irregular = {}

inflections.irregular["dâ"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["â"]({"d"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a irregular verb with some regular ''[[-â#Friulian|-â]]'' paradigms."}
	data.conj = "first conjugation, irregular"
	data.forms.inf = {"dâ"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"doi"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"dâs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"da"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"din"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"dan"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {"dei"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {"deris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"dè"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {"derin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {"deris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {"derin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"dedi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"dedis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"dedi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"dedin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"dedis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"dedin"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第二變位動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語不規則動詞")

inflections.irregular["fâ"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["â"]({"f"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is an irregular verb with regular ''[[-â#Friulian|-â]]'' paradigms in non-finite tenses. This verb has an epenthetic ''fas-'' in finite tenses, and has irregular lengthenings in indicative present and imperative tenses. This verb also has some tense paradigms which formed if this verb are in third conjugation."}
	data.conj = "first conjugation, irregular"
	data.forms.inf = {"fâ"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"fâs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"fasis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"fâs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"fasìn"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {"fasês"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"fasin"}

	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {"fasevi"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {"fasevis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {"faseve"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {"fasevin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {"fasevis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {"fasevin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {"fasei"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {"faseris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"fasè"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {"faserin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {"faseris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {"faserin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {"fasarai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {"fasarâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {"fasarà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {"fasarìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {"fasarês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {"fasaran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {"fasarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {"fasaressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {"fasarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {"fasaressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {"fasaressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {"fasaressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"fasi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"fasis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"fasi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"fasìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"fasês"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"fasin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {"fasès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {"fasessis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {"fasès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {"fasessin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {"fasessis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {"fasessin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {"fâs"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {"fasìn"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {"fasêt"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第一變位動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語不規則動詞")

inflections.irregular["lâ"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["â"]({"l"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a suppletive and highly irregular verb with some regular ''[[-â#Friulian|-â]]'' paradigms. In indicative present and imperative, forms in v- originate from Latin verb ''vādō''. Along with ''[[vê#Friulian|vê]]'', and ''[[jessi#Friulian|jessi]]'', this verb preserves -d- in present subjunctive; and this verb also has irregular -e- in simple past."}
	data.conj = "third conjugation, irregular, [[w:Suppletion|suppletive]]"
	data.forms.inf = {"lâ"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"voi"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"vâs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"va"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"lin"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"van"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {"lei"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {"leris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"lè"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {"lerin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {"leris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {"lerin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"ledi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"ledis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"ledi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"ledin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"ledis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"ledin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {"va"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {"lin"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {"lait", "vait"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第一變位動詞")

inflections.irregular["malfâ"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["â"]({"malf"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a derivative of irregular verb ''[[fâ#Friulian|fâ]]''."}
	data.conj = "first conjugation, irregular"
	data.forms.inf = {"malfâ"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"malfâs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"malfasis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"malfâs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"malfasìn"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {"malfasês"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"malfasin"}

	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {"malfasevi"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {"malfasevis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {"malfaseve"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {"malfasevin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {"malfasevis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {"malfasevin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {"malfasei"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {"malfaseris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"malfasè"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {"malfaserin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {"malfaseris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {"malfaserin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {"malfasarai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {"malfasarâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {"malfasarà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {"malfasarìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {"malfasarês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {"malfasaran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {"malfasarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {"malfasaressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {"malfasarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {"malfasaressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {"malfasaressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {"malfasaressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"malfasi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"malfasis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"malfasi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"malfasìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"malfasês"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"malfasin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {"malfasès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {"malfasessis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {"malfasès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {"malfasessin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {"malfasessis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {"malfasessin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {"malfâs"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {"malfasìn"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {"malfasêt"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第一變位動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語不規則動詞")

inflections.irregular["vê"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["i"]({"v"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a highly irregular verb with some regular ''[[-ê#Friulian|-ê]]'' paradigms."}
	data.conj = "second conjugation, irregular"
	data.forms.inf = {"vê"}

	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"ai"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"âs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"à"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"vin"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"an"}

	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"ve"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"vedi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"vedis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"vedi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"vedìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"vedês"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"vedin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {"ves"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {"ves"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {"ve"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {"vin"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第二變位動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語不規則動詞")

inflections.irregular["jessi"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["i"]({"jess"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This verb is highly irregular and it is suppletive. In third-person singular indicative present, the forms varies in gender, ''[[è#Friulian|è]]'' is used with masculines while ''[[je#Friulian|je]]'' is used with feminines instead."}
	data.conj = "third conjugation, highly irregular, [[w:Suppletion|suppletive]]"
	data.forms.inf = {"jessi"}
	data.forms.gerund = {"sint"}

	data.forms.m_past_part = {"stât"}
	data.forms.m_pl_past_part = {"stâts"}
	data.forms.f_past_part = {"stâde"}
	data.forms.f_pl_past_part = {"stâdis"}

	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"soi"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"sês"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"è", "jè"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"sin"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {"sês"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"ses"}

	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {"jeri"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {"jeris"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {"jere"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {"jerin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {"jeris"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {"jerin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {"foi"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {"foris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"fo"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {"forin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {"foris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {"forin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {"sarai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {"sarâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {"sarà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {"sarìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {"sarês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {"saran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {"sarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {"saressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {"sarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {"saressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {"saressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {"saressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"sedi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"sedis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"sedi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"sedin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"sedis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"sedin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {"fos"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {"fossis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {"fos"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {"fossin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {"fossis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {"fossin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {"sei"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {"sin"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {"sêt"}

	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第三變位動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語不規則動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "Friulian suppletive verbs")
inflections.irregular["dî"] = add_inflection(function(self, args, data)
	inflections["î"]({"d"}, data, true)
    data.forms.comment = {"This is a highly irregular verb with some regular ''[[-â#Friulian|-â]]'' paradigms. This verb is conjugated similarly to ''[[fâ#Friulian|fâ]]'', but this verb has irregular lengthenings only in indicative present and imperative stems was conjugated like as mentioned above."}
	data.conj = "fourth conjugation without infix, irregular"
	data.forms.inf = {"dî"}
	data.forms.m_past_part = {"dit"}
	data.forms.m_pl_past_part = {"dits"}
	data.forms.f_past_part = {"dide"}
	data.forms.f_pl_past_part = {"didis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1sg = {"dîs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2sg = {"disis"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3sg = {"dîs"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_1pl = {"disìn"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_2pl = {"disês"}
	data.forms.pres_ind_3pl = {"disin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1sg = {"disevi"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2sg = {"disevis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3sg = {"diseve"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_1pl = {"disevin"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_2pl = {"disevis"}
	data.forms.impf_ind_3pl = {"disevin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1sg = {"disei"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2sg = {"diseris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3sg = {"disè"}
	data.forms.past_ind_1pl = {"diserin"}
	data.forms.past_ind_2pl = {"diseris"}
	data.forms.past_ind_3pl = {"diserin"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1sg = {"disarai"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2sg = {"disarâs"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3sg = {"disarà"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_1pl = {"disarìn"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_2pl = {"disarês"}
	data.forms.futr_ind_3pl = {"disaran"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1sg = {"disarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2sg = {"disaressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3sg = {"disarès"}
	data.forms.pres_con_1pl = {"disaressin"}
	data.forms.pres_con_2pl = {"disaressis"}
	data.forms.pres_con_3pl = {"disaressin"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1sg = {"disi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2sg = {"disis"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3sg = {"disi"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_1pl = {"disìn"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_2pl = {"disês"}
	data.forms.pres_sub_3pl = {"disin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1sg = {"disès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2sg = {"disessis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3sg = {"disès"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_1pl = {"disessin"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_2pl = {"disessis"}
	data.forms.impf_sub_3pl = {"disessin"}
	data.forms.imp_2sg = {"dìs"}
	data.forms.imp_1pl = {"dìn"}
	data.forms.imp_2pl = {"dìt"}
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語第四變位動詞")
	table.insert(data.categories, "弗留利語不規則動詞")

return inflections