local export = {}
local m_izh = require("Module:izh")
local function get_stem(word, ending)
if mw.ustring.match(word, ending .. "$") then
return word:sub(1, #word - #ending)
error("Unexpected ending for this inflection type! Wrong type?")
local function frontalize(w, vh)
if vh == "ä" then
w = mw.ustring.gsub(w, "[aou]", { a = "ä", o = "ö", u = "y" })
return w
local function elongate(stem, condition)
if condition == nil or condition then
-- already long?
if mw.ustring.match(stem, m_izh.vowel .. m_izh.vowel .. "$") then
for k, v in pairs(m_izh.vowel_sequences) do
if mw.ustring.find(stem, v .. "$", pos) then
return stem
return stem .. mw.ustring.sub(stem, -1)
return stem
local function geminate(c)
if mw.ustring.match(c, m_izh.consonant .. m_izh.consonant .. "$") then
return c
return c .. mw.ustring.sub(c, -1)
local function join(...)
local t = {}
for _, s in ipairs(arg) do
if type(s) == "table" then
for _, v in ipairs(s) do
table.insert(t, v)
elseif type(s) == "string" then
table.insert(t, s)
return t
local function gsub_all(t, p, q)
if type(t) == "string" then
return mw.ustring.gsub(t, p, q)
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(r, mw.ustring.gsub(v, p, q))
return r
local function append(t, x)
if not x then return t end
if type(t) == "string" then
return t .. x
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(r, v .. x)
return r
local function elongate_all(t)
if type(t) == "string" then
return elongate(t)
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(r, elongate(v))
return r
local function make_gradation(s, w)
if s == w then
return "無層級變化"
return s .. "-" .. w .. "類層級變化"
local function with_note(note, t)
if not note then return t end
if type(t) == "string" then
return { { form = t, note = note } }
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(r, { form = v, note = note })
return r
local function will_geminate(forms, finalc, finalv)
if type(forms) == "string" then
local stem = forms .. finalc .. finalv
local gem = m_izh.guess_gemination(stem)
if not gem then return stem end
return gem .. finalv
local r = {}
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
table.insert(r, will_geminate(form, finalc, finalv))
return r
local function geminate_backwards(c)
if mw.ustring.match(c, m_izh.vowel .. m_izh.consonant .. m_izh.vowel .. "$") then
local stem = mw.ustring.sub(c, 1, -3)
local finalc = mw.ustring.sub(c, -2, -2)
local finalv = mw.ustring.sub(c, -1, -1)
return will_geminate(stem, finalc, finalv)
elseif mw.ustring.match(c, m_izh.vowel .. m_izh.consonant .. m_izh.vowel .. m_izh.vowel .. "$") then
local stem = mw.ustring.sub(c, 1, -4)
local finalc = mw.ustring.sub(c, -3, -3)
local finalv = mw.ustring.sub(c, -2, -2)
local finalv2 = mw.ustring.sub(c, -1, -1)
return will_geminate(stem, finalc, finalv) .. finalv2
return c
local function will_geminate_backwards(forms, addv)
if type(forms) == "string" then
return geminate_backwards(forms) .. addv
local r = {}
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
table.insert(r, will_geminate_backwards(form, addv))
return r
local function elongate_and_geminate(c)
return elongate(geminate_backwards(c))
local function elongate_and_geminate_all(t)
if type(t) == "string" then
return elongate_and_geminate(t)
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(r, elongate_and_geminate(v))
return r
local function can_geminate(data, forms, finalc, finalv)
if data.geminate == false then
return append(forms, finalc .. finalv)
return will_geminate(data, forms, finalc, finalv)
local function chiefly_in_dialect(...)
if #arg == 1 then
return "主要用於" .. arg[1] .. "方言。"
elseif #arg > 1 then
return "主要用於" .. require("Module:table").serialCommaJoin(arg) .. "方言。"
return 1
local function get_any(stems)
if type(stems) == "string" then
return stems
elseif type(stems) == "table" then
return stems[1]
local function process(data, result)
local A = data.vh
-- present stem (strong, weak)
local pres_s = result.stem_pres_s or result.stem_pres
local pres_w = result.stem_pres_w or result.stem_pres
-- past stem (strong, weak)
local past_s = result.stem_past_s or result.stem_past
local past_w = result.stem_past_w or result.stem_past
-- present passive stem
local pres_v = result.stem_pres_v
-- past passive stem
local past_v = result.stem_past_v
-- 1st infinitive stem
local inf1 = result.stem_inf1 or pres_s
-- 2nd infinitive
local inf2 = result.stem_inf2 or pres_s
-- 3rd infinitive / 3rd person stem
local inf3 = result.stem_inf3 or pres_s
-- conditional stem
local cond = result.stem_cond or append(gsub_all(pres_s, "[ei]$", ""), "i")
-- imperative stem
local impr = result.stem_impr or pres_s
-- potential stem
local potn = result.stem_potn or append(pres_s, "n")
-- present participle stem
local pres_p = result.stem_pres_p or pres_s
-- past participle stem
local past_p = result.stem_past_p or append(pres_s, "n")
-- present third-person singular stem
local pres_3sg = result.stem_pres_3sg or inf3
if pres_3sg ~= geminate_backwards(pres_3sg) then
result.geminate = true
result.pres_part = append(pres_p, "v" .. A)
result.pres_pasv_part = append(past_v, A .. "v" .. A)
result.past_part = join(gsub_all(append(past_p, "t"), "([lnprs])[lnprs]t$", "%1t"), append(past_p, frontalize("ut", A)))
result.past_part_pl = append(past_p, "eet")
result.past_pasv_part = append(past_v, frontalize("u", A))
result.pres_pasv = append(pres_v, A .. A)
result.pres_1sg = append(pres_w, "n")
result.pres_2sg = append(pres_w, "t")
result.pres_3sg = append(elongate_and_geminate_all(pres_3sg), result.monosyllabic and "p" or nil)
result.pres_1pl = append(pres_w, "mm" .. A)
result.pres_2pl = append(pres_w, "tt" .. A)
result.pres_3pl = join(
not result.monosyllabic and with_note(chiefly_in_dialect("索伊科拉"),
append(result.pres_3sg, "t")),
with_note(not result.monosyllabic and chiefly_in_dialect("阿拉-勞卡"),
append(pres_s, "v" .. A .. "t")),
result.pres_conn = pres_w
result.pres_pasv_conn = append(pres_v, A)
result.past_pasv = append(past_v, "ii")
result.past_1sg = append(past_w, "n")
result.past_2sg = append(past_w, "t")
if result.has_short_past_2sg then
result.past_2sg = join(result.past_2sg, with_note(chiefly_in_dialect("索伊科拉"), append(elongate_and_geminate_all(get_stem(past_w, "si")), "st")))
result.past_3sg = past_s
result.past_1pl = append(past_w, "mm" .. A)
result.past_2pl = append(past_w, "tt" .. A)
result.past_3pl = join(
not result.monosyllabic and with_note(chiefly_in_dialect("索伊科拉"),
append(elongate_and_geminate_all(result.past_3sg), "t")),
with_note(not result.monosyllabic and chiefly_in_dialect("阿拉-勞卡"),
append(past_s, "v" .. A .. "t")),
result.past_conn = result.past_part
result.past_conn_pl = result.past_part_pl
result.past_pasv_conn = result.past_pasv_part
result.cond_pasv = append(past_v, A .. "is")
result.cond_1sg = append(cond, "sin")
result.cond_2sg = join(append(cond, "sit"), with_note(chiefly_in_dialect("索伊科拉"), append(elongate_and_geminate_all(cond), "st")))
result.cond_3sg = append(cond, "s")
result.cond_1pl = append(cond, "simm" .. A)
result.cond_2pl = append(cond, "sitt" .. A)
result.cond_3pl = join(
with_note(chiefly_in_dialect("索伊科拉"), append(cond, "siit")),
with_note(chiefly_in_dialect("阿拉-勞卡"), append(cond, "siv" .. A .. "t")),
result.cond_conn = result.cond_3sg
result.cond_pasv_conn = result.cond_pasv
result.impr_pasv = append(will_geminate(past_v .. A, "k", frontalize("o", A)), frontalize("o", A))
result.impr_2sg = pres_w
result.impr_3sg = append(will_geminate(impr, "k", frontalize("o", A)), frontalize("o", A))
result.impr_2pl = append(will_geminate(impr, "k", A), A)
result.impr_3pl = append(result.impr_3sg, "t")
result.impr_conn = append(impr, frontalize("ko", A))
result.impr_pasv_conn = append(past_v, frontalize("ako", A))
result.potn_pasv = will_geminate_backwards(append(past_v, frontalize("ano", A)), frontalize("o", A))
result.potn_1sg = append(potn, "en")
result.potn_2sg = append(potn, "et")
result.potn_3sg = will_geminate_backwards(append(potn, frontalize("o", A)), frontalize("o", A))
result.potn_1pl = append(potn, "emm" .. A)
result.potn_2pl = append(potn, "ett" .. A)
result.potn_3pl = append(result.potn_3sg, "t")
result.potn_conn = append(potn, "e")
result.potn_pasv_conn = append(past_v, A .. "ne")
result.inf1 = { data.title }
result.inf2_ine = inf2
if m_izh.guess_elongation(get_any(result.inf2_ine) .. "e") then
result.inf2_ine = append(result.inf2_ine, "e")
if mw.ustring.match(result.inf2_ine, m_izh.vowel .. m_izh.vowel .. "$") then
result.inf2_ine = mw.ustring.sub(result.inf2_ine, 1, -2) .. "jees"
result.inf2_ine = result.inf2_ine .. "es"
-- potentially geminate
result.inf2_ine = will_geminate_backwards(result.inf2_ine, "es")
result.inf2_ins = will_geminate_backwards(inf2, "en")
result.inf3_ill = append(will_geminate(inf3, "m", A), A)
result.inf3_ine = append(inf3, "m" .. A .. (m_izh.guess_elongation(inf3 .. "m" .. A) and A or "") .. "s")
result.inf3_ela = append(inf3, "m" .. A .. "st")
result.inf3_abe = append(inf3, "m" .. A .. "t" .. A)
result.inf4_nom = append(will_geminate(inf3, "m", "i"), "in")
result.inf4_par = join(append(inf3, "mist" .. A), append(inf3, "mist"))
if result.short_past_3sg then
result.past_3sg = gsub_all(result.past_3sg, "i$", "")
-- cleanup virtual syllable breaks
for k, v in pairs(result) do
if type(v) == "string" then
result[k] = mw.ustring.gsub(v, m_izh.virtual_syllable_break, "")
elseif type(v) == "table" then
for i, f in ipairs(v) do
if type(f) == "table" and f.form then
f.form = mw.ustring.gsub(f.form, m_izh.virtual_syllable_break, "")
elseif type(f) == "string" then
v[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(f, m_izh.virtual_syllable_break, "")
return result
local function ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, stem)
if data.geminate ~= false and mw.ustring.len(strong) == 1 then
-- gemination
local final = strong
if final == "j" then
final = "i"
if mw.ustring.match(stem, final .. "$") then
result.geminate = true
return get_stem(stem, final)
return stem
-- inflection classes begin
local inflections = {}
inflections["ampua"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "1" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local final = mw.ustring.sub(word, -2, -2)
local stem = ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, get_stem(word, strong .. final .. vh))
if strong ~= "" and weak == "" then weak = m_izh.virtual_syllable_break end
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. final
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. final
result.stem_past_s = stem .. strong .. final .. "i"
result.stem_past_w = stem .. weak .. final .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "tt"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["kirjuttaa"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "2" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local stem = ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, get_stem(word, frontalize(strong .. "aa", vh)))
if strong ~= "" and weak == "" then weak = m_izh.virtual_syllable_break end
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. vh
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. vh
result.stem_past_s = stem .. strong .. "i"
result.stem_past_w = stem .. weak .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "ett"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["kyntää"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "3" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize(strong .. "aa", vh))
if not mw.ustring.match(strong, "t$") then error("unsupported stem for kyntää") end
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. vh
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. vh
result.stem_past = stem .. mw.ustring.sub(strong, 1, -2) .. "si"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "ett"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["antaa"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "4" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local stem = ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, get_stem(word, frontalize(strong .. "aa", vh)))
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. vh
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. vh
result.stem_past_s = stem .. strong .. frontalize("oi", vh)
result.stem_past_w = stem .. weak .. frontalize("oi", vh)
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "ett"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["laskia"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "5" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local stem = ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, get_stem(word, frontalize(strong .. "ia", vh)))
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. "e"
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. "e"
result.stem_past_s = stem .. strong .. "i"
result.stem_past_w = stem .. weak .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "ett"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. strong .. "i"
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. strong .. frontalize("o", vh)
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["tuntia"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "6" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local stem = ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, get_stem(word, frontalize(strong .. "ia", vh)))
local past_stem = {
["nt"] = "ns",
["ht"] = "ks"
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. "e"
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. "e"
result.stem_past = stem .. (past_stem[strong] or error("The tuntia type is not supported for this verb")) .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "ett"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. strong .. "i"
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. strong .. frontalize("o", vh)
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["oppia"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "7" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local stem = ungeminate(data, result, strong, weak, get_stem(word, frontalize(strong .. "ia", vh)))
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. "i"
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. "i"
result.stem_past_s = stem .. strong .. "i"
result.stem_past_w = stem .. weak .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "it"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "itt"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["viskoja"] = function(data)
local result = { typeno = "7" }
local word = data.title
local strong = data.args[1] or error("must specify strong grade")
local weak = data.args[2] or error("must specify weak grade")
local vh = data.vh
local final = mw.ustring.sub(word, -3, -3)
local stem = get_stem(word, strong .. final .. frontalize("ja", vh))
result.stem_pres_s = stem .. strong .. final .. "i"
result.stem_pres_w = stem .. weak .. final .. "i"
result.stem_past_s = stem .. strong .. final .. "i"
result.stem_past_w = stem .. weak .. final .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "it"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "itt"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. strong .. final .. "j"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["voija"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "8" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local final = mw.ustring.sub(word, -3, -3)
local stem = get_stem(word, final .. frontalize("ja", vh))
if #m_izh.split_syllables(stem) > 1 then error("Verb stem must be monosyllabic for the voija type") end
result.stem_pres = stem .. final
result.stem_past = stem .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. final .. "j"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. final .. "t"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. final .. "j"
result.monosyllabic = true
return process(data, result)
inflections["jäävvä"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "9" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("vva", vh))
if #m_izh.split_syllables(stem) > 1 then error("Verb stem must be monosyllabic for the jäävvä type") end
result.stem_pres = stem
result.stem_past = mw.ustring.sub(stem, 1, -2) .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. "vv"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. "t"
result.stem_cond = result.stem_past
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. "vv"
result.monosyllabic = true
return process(data, result)
inflections["käyvvä"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "10" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("vva", vh))
if #m_izh.split_syllables(stem) > 1 then error("Verb stem must be monosyllabic for the käyvvä type") end
result.stem_pres = stem
result.stem_past = mw.ustring.sub(stem, 1, -2) .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. "vv"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. "t"
result.stem_cond = result.stem_past
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. "vv"
result.monosyllabic = true
return process(data, result)
inflections["pessä"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "11" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local final = mw.ustring.sub(word, -2, -2)
local stem = get_stem(word, final .. final .. frontalize("a", vh))
result.stem_pres = stem .. final .. "e"
result.stem_past = stem .. final .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. final .. final
result.stem_past_v = stem .. final .. "t"
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. final .. frontalize("o", vh)
result.stem_potn = stem .. final .. final
result.stem_impr = stem .. final
result.stem_past_p = stem .. final .. final
return process(data, result)
inflections["kuulla"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "12" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, vh)
local weak = data.args[1] or error("must specify weak grade")
local strong = data.args[2] or error("must specify strong grade")
local finalgem = mw.ustring.sub(stem, -2, -1)
local finals = {
["ll"] = "l",
["nn"] = "n",
["rr"] = "r"
local final = finals[finalgem] or error("Unsupported stem for kuulla")
stem = get_stem(stem, finalgem)
local prefinal = mw.ustring.sub(stem, -1, -1)
stem = get_stem(stem, weak .. prefinal)
final = prefinal .. final
finalgem = prefinal .. finalgem
result.stem_pres = stem .. strong .. final .. "e"
result.stem_past = stem .. strong .. final .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. finalgem
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. weak .. finalgem
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. strong .. final .. frontalize("o", vh)
result.stem_potn = stem .. weak .. finalgem
result.stem_impr = stem .. weak .. final
result.stem_past_p = stem .. weak .. finalgem
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["valita"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "13" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("ta", vh))
result.stem_pres = stem .. "tse"
result.stem_past = stem .. "tsi"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. "t"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. "tt"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. "t"
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. frontalize("tso", vh)
result.stem_potn = stem .. "nn"
result.stem_impr = stem .. "t"
result.stem_past_p = stem .. "n"
return process(data, result)
inflections["joossa"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "14" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("ssa", vh))
result.stem_pres = stem .. "kse"
result.stem_past = stem .. "ksi"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. "st"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. frontalize("kso", vh)
result.stem_potn = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_impr = stem .. "s"
result.stem_past_p = stem .. "ss"
return process(data, result)
inflections["valeta"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "15" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("ta", vh))
local weak = data.args[1] or error("must specify weak grade")
local strong = data.args[2] or error("must specify strong grade")
local final = mw.ustring.sub(stem, -1, -1)
stem = get_stem(stem, weak .. final)
result.stem_pres = stem .. strong .. final .. "ne"
result.stem_past = stem .. strong .. final .. "ni"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "tt"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_inf3 = stem .. strong .. final .. "n" .. frontalize("o", vh)
result.stem_impr = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_potn = stem .. weak .. final .. "n"
result.stem_past_p = stem .. weak .. final .. "nn"
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["maata"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "16" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("ta", vh))
local weak = data.args[1] or error("must specify weak grade")
local strong = data.args[2] or error("must specify strong grade")
local final = mw.ustring.sub(stem, -1, -1)
stem = get_stem(stem, weak .. final)
local gem = will_geminate(stem, strong, final)
if gem ~= stem .. strong .. final then
result.geminate = true
result.stem_pres = gem .. final
result.stem_past = stem .. strong .. (final ~= "i" and final ~= "e" and final or "") .. "isi"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. final .. "tt"
result.stem_inf1 = stem .. strong .. final
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_inf3 = result.stem_pres_w
result.stem_cond = stem .. strong .. final .. "j" .. vh .. "i"
result.stem_impr = stem .. weak .. final .. "t"
result.stem_potn = stem .. weak .. final .. "nn"
result.stem_pres_p = result.stem_pres_w
result.stem_past_p = stem .. weak .. final .. "nn"
result.stem_pres_3sg = stem .. strong .. final .. "j" .. vh
result.short_past_3sg = true
result.has_short_past_2sg = true
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["hävetä"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "16" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("eta", vh))
local weak = data.args[1] or error("must specify weak grade")
local strong = data.args[2] or error("must specify strong grade")
local final = "i"
stem = get_stem(stem, weak)
local gem = will_geminate(stem, strong, final)
if gem ~= stem .. strong .. final then
result.geminate = true
result.stem_pres = gem .. final
result.stem_past = stem .. strong .. "isi"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. weak .. "ett"
result.stem_inf1 = stem .. strong .. final
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_inf3 = result.stem_pres_w
result.stem_cond = stem .. strong .. final .. "j" .. vh .. "i"
result.stem_impr = stem .. weak .. "et"
result.stem_potn = stem .. weak .. "enn"
result.stem_pres_p = result.stem_pres_w
result.stem_past_p = stem .. weak .. "enn"
result.stem_pres_3sg = stem .. strong .. final .. "j" .. vh
result.short_past_3sg = true
result.has_short_past_2sg = true
result.grade = make_gradation(strong, weak)
return process(data, result)
inflections["laskiissa"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "17" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("ssa", vh))
local truncate = mw.ustring.sub(stem, 1, -2)
result.stem_pres_s = stem
result.stem_pres_w = stem
result.stem_past = truncate .. "si"
result.stem_past_s = stem .. "si"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. "st"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_inf3 = stem
result.stem_impr = stem .. "s"
result.stem_potn = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_cond = stem .. "j" .. vh .. "i"
result.stem_pres_p = stem
result.stem_past_p = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_pres_3sg = stem .. "j" .. vh
result.short_past_3sg = true
result.has_short_past_2sg = true
return process(data, result)
inflections["praavihussa"] = function (data)
local result = { typeno = "18" }
local word = data.title
local vh = data.vh
local stem = get_stem(word, frontalize("ssa", vh))
result.stem_pres = stem
result.stem_past = stem .. "i"
result.stem_pres_v = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_past_v = stem .. "st"
result.stem_inf2 = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_impr = stem .. "s"
result.stem_potn = stem .. "ss"
result.stem_past_p = stem .. "ss"
return process(data, result)
-- inflection classes end
local conj_table = [=[{| class="inflection-table vsSwitcher" data-toggle-category="conjugation" style="border:1px solid #CCCCFF;text-align:left;"
! colspan=6 class="vsToggleElement" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);text-align:left;width:35em;"| {{{title}}} (<span style="font-size:90%">{{{type}}}</span>) 的變位
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=6 style="width:10em;" | Indikativa(直陳式)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=3 style="width:10em;" | Preesens(現在時)
! colspan=3 style="width:10em;" | Perfekta(完成時)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:10em;" |
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
! style="width:10em;" |
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{pres_1sg}}}
| {{{en !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{oon !past_part}}}
| {{{en oo !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{pres_2sg}}}
| {{{et !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{oot !past_part}}}
| {{{et oo !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{pres_3sg}}}
| {{{ei !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{ono !past_part}}}
| {{{ei oo !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{pres_1pl}}}
| {{{emmä !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{oomma !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{emmä oo !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{pres_2pl}}}
| {{{että !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{ootta !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{että oo !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{pres_3pl}}}
| {{{evät !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{ovat !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{evät oo !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{pres_pasv}}}
| {{{ei !pres_pasv_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{ono !past_pasv_part}}}
| {{{ei oo !past_pasv_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Imperfekta(未完成時)
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Pluskvamperfekta(過去完成時)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:13em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{past_1sg}}}
| {{{en !past_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{olin !past_part}}}
| {{{en olt !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{past_2sg}}}
| {{{et !past_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{olit !past_part}}}
| {{{et olt !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{past_3sg}}}
| {{{ei !past_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{oli !past_part}}}
| {{{ei olt !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{past_1pl}}}
| {{{emmä !past_conn_pl}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{olimma !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{emmä olleet !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{past_2pl}}}
| {{{että !past_conn_pl}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{olitta !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{että olleet !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{past_3pl}}}
| {{{evät !past_conn_pl}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{olivat !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{evät olleet !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{past_pasv}}}
| {{{ei !past_pasv_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{oli !past_pasv_part}}}
| {{{ei olt !past_pasv_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=6 style="width:11em;" | Konditsionala(條件式)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Preesens(現在時)
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Perfekta(完成時)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{cond_1sg}}}
| {{{en !cond_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{olisin !past_part}}}
| {{{en olis !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{cond_2sg}}}
| {{{et !cond_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{olisit !past_part}}}
| {{{et olis !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{cond_3sg}}}
| {{{ei !cond_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{olis !past_part}}}
| {{{ei olis !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{cond_1pl}}}
| {{{emmä !cond_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{olisimma !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{emmä olis !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{cond_2pl}}}
| {{{että !cond_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{olisitta !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{että olis !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{cond_3pl}}}
| {{{evät !cond_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{olisivat !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{evät olis !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{cond_pasv}}}
| {{{ei !cond_pasv_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{olis !past_pasv_part}}}
| {{{ei olis !past_pasv_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=6 style="width:11em;" | Imperativa(命令式)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Preesens(現在時)
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Perfekta(完成時)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| —
| —
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| —
| —
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{impr_2sg}}}
| {{{elä !pres_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{oo !past_part}}}
| {{{elä oo !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{impr_3sg}}}
| {{{elköö !impr_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{olkoo !past_part}}}
| {{{elköö olko !past_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| —
| —
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| —
| —
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{impr_2pl}}}
| {{{elkää !impr_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{olkaa !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{elkää olko !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{impr_3pl}}}
| {{{elkööt !impr_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{olkoot !past_part_pl}}}
| {{{elkööt olko !past_part_pl}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{impr_pasv}}}
| {{{elköö !impr_pasv_conn}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{olkoo !past_pasv_part}}}
| {{{elköö olko !past_pasv_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=6 style="width:11em;" | Potentsiala(可能式)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Preesens(現在時)
! rowspan=9 colspan=3 style="width:11em;" |
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 肯定
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 否定
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱單數
| {{{potn_1sg}}}
| {{{en !potn_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱單數
| {{{potn_2sg}}}
| {{{et !potn_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱單數
| {{{potn_3sg}}}
| {{{ei !potn_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第一人稱複數
| {{{potn_1pl}}}
| {{{emmä !potn_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第二人稱複數
| {{{potn_2pl}}}
| {{{että !potn_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第三人稱複數
| {{{potn_3pl}}}
| {{{evät !potn_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 無人稱
| {{{potn_pasv}}}
| {{{ei !potn_pasv_conn}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=6 style="width:11em;" | 名詞形式
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Infinitivat(不定式)
! colspan=3 style="width:11em;" | Partisipat(分詞)
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(80%,80%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=2 style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" |
! style="width:11em;" |
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 主動態
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 被動態
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! colspan=2 style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第1
| {{{inf1}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 現在時
| {{{pres_part}}}
| {{{pres_pasv_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! rowspan=2 style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第2
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 內格
| {{{inf2_ine}}}
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 過去式
| {{{past_part}}}
| {{{past_pasv_part}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 手段格
| {{{inf2_ins}}}
| colspan=3 rowspan=7 style="font-size:smaller;" | {{{notes}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! rowspan=4 style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第3
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 入格
| {{{inf3_ill}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 內格
| {{{inf3_ine}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 出格
| {{{inf3_ela}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 缺格
| {{{inf3_abe}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! rowspan=4 style="width:11em; background:rgb(80%,80%,100%)" | 第4
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 主格
| {{{inf4_nom}}}
|- class="vsHide" style="background:rgb(95%,95%,100%);vertical-align:top;"
! style="width:11em; background:rgb(90%,90%,100%)" | 部分格
| {{{inf4_par}}}
local function tag(text)
return require("Module:script utilities").tag_text(text, m_izh.lang, nil, "term")
local function link(text, prefix)
return require("Module:script utilities").tag_text((prefix and prefix or "") .. require("Module:links").language_link{ term = text, lang = m_izh.lang }, m_izh.lang)
local function mention(text)
return require("Module:links").full_link({ term = text, lang = m_izh.lang }, "term")
local function help_tooltip(text)
return "<sup>" .. tostring(mw.html.create("span"):attr("style", "cursor:help"):attr("title", text):wikitext("?")) .. "</sup>"
local function note_reference(note)
if note then
return "<sup>" .. note .. ")</sup>"
return ""
local function link_and_note(form, prefix)
if type(form) == "table" then
return link(form.form, prefix) .. note_reference(form.note)
return link(form, prefix)
local function note_text(reference, text)
return note_reference(reference) .. " " .. text
-- extract notes from forms into a list and replace by their index
local function format_notes_for_form(forms, form)
local note = form.note
if note then
local index = forms.notes_reverse[note]
if index then
form.note = index
index = tostring(#forms.notes + 1)
table.insert(forms.notes, note)
forms.notes_reverse[note] = index
form.note = index
local function format_notes(forms)
forms.notes = {}
forms.notes_reverse = {}
for k, v in pairs(forms) do
if type(v) == "table" then
if v[1] then
for _, form in ipairs(v) do
if type(form) == "table" then
format_notes_for_form(forms, form)
format_notes_for_form(forms, v)
forms.notes_reverse = nil
function export.raw(word, infl_type, grad1, grad2, args)
if not infl_type then error("inflection class not specified") end
args = args or {}
local infl = inflections[infl_type] or error("unsupported inflection type")
local geminate, vh
if args["g"] == "1" then
geminate = true
elseif args["g"] == "0" or args["g"] == "-" then
geminate = false
if args["v"] then
vh = args["v"]
if vh ~= "a" and vh ~= "ä" then
error("Invalid vowel harmony specification")
vh = m_izh.guess_vowel_harmony(word)
args[1] = args[1] or grad1
args[2] = args[2] or grad2
local data = { title = word, geminate = geminate, vh = vh, args = args }
return infl(data)
function export.show(frame)
local infl_type = frame.args[1] or error("inflection class not specified")
local infl = inflections[infl_type] or error("unsupported inflection type")
local args = frame:getParent().args
local title = args["title"] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local geminate, vh
if args["g"] == "1" then
geminate = true
elseif args["g"] == "0" or args["g"] == "-" then
geminate = false
if args["v"] then
vh = args["v"]
if vh ~= "a" and vh ~= "ä" then
error("Invalid vowel harmony specification")
vh = m_izh.guess_vowel_harmony(title)
local data = { title = title, geminate = geminate, vh = vh, args = args }
local forms = infl(data)
local function repl(form)
local prefix = nil
if form == "title" then
return "'''" .. title .. "'''"
elseif form == "type" then
if forms.irregular then
return "不規則"
local s = "類別" .. forms.typeno .. "/" .. mention(infl_type)
if forms.grade then
s = s .. "," .. forms.grade
s = s .. "," .. make_gradation(nil, nil)
if forms.geminate then
s = s .. ",輔音延長"
return s
elseif form == "notes" then
local results = {}
for index, note in ipairs(forms.notes) do
table.insert(results, note_text(tostring(index), note))
table.insert(results, note_text("*",
"對於命令式,第二人稱複數 (" .. tag(forms.impr_2pl) .. ") 也可用於第三人稱。"))
table.insert(results, note_text("**",
"疑問形式通過將後綴 {{m|izh|-k}} ({{m|izh|-ka}}" .. help_tooltip("後元音詞幹,前接輔音 -t") .. "/{{m|izh|-kä}}" .. help_tooltip("前元音詞幹,前接輔音 -t") .. ") 加於直陳式的後面,或將 {{m|izh|-kse}} 加於可能式的後面來組成。"))
return table.concat(results, "<br />")
elseif mw.ustring.find(form, "!") then
local excl = mw.ustring.find(form, "!")
prefix = mw.ustring.sub(form, 1, excl - 1)
form = mw.ustring.sub(form, excl + 1)
local value = forms[form]
if not value then
return "—"
elseif type(value) == "table" and value[1] then
local result = {}
for _, f in ipairs(value) do
table.insert(result, link_and_note(f, prefix))
return table.concat(result, ", ")
return link_and_note(value, prefix)
local result = mw.ustring.gsub(conj_table, "{{{([a-z0-9äö _:!]+)}}}", repl)
result = mw.ustring.gsub(result, "{{m|izh|([^}]-)}}", mention)
return result
return export