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Module:data consistency check檢測到以下錯誤:

  • 阿克語」(aeu)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼aik使用。
  • 安拜語」(aic)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼amk使用。
  • 阿拉瓦語」(alh)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼aru使用。
  • 巴德斯語 (bdz) has 尼馬迪語 (noe) set as an ancestor, but is not in the 拉賈斯坦語支 (inc-raj).
  • 巴格里語」(bfy)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bgq使用。
  • 巴特里語」(bgw)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼btv使用。
  • 比里語」(bhb)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bzr使用。
  • 波拉語」(boa)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bxd使用。
  • Dakaka, the canonical name for bpa, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 巴薩語」(bsq)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bas使用。
  • 巴薩語」(bzw)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bas使用。
  • Shuba, the canonical name for cbq, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Tiri, the canonical name for cir, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Cakchiquel-Quiché Mixed Language, the canonical name for ckz, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Maa, the canonical name for cma, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Island Carib, the canonical name for crb, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 達伊語」(dax)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼dij使用。
  • Ngen, the canonical name for gnj, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Numee, the canonical name for kdk, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 凱克語」(keh)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼kzq使用。
  • 科龍語」(klm)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼kyo使用。
  • 凱特語」(kmg)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼ket使用。
  • 馬卡揚語」(kmx)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼aup使用。
  • 科拉克語」(koz)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼hhr使用。
  • 科維語」(kvc)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼kqb使用。
  • Looma, the canonical name for lom, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Larevat, the canonical name for lrv, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Mafea, the canonical name for mkv, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Mae, the canonical name for mme, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 艾西語」(mmq)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼ahs使用。
  • 西部湘西苗語」(mmr)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼muq使用。
  • 曼丁哥語」(mnk)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼man使用。
  • Marino, the canonical name for mrb, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Merlav, the canonical name for mrm, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 穆西語」(mui)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼mse使用。
  • Central Maewo, the canonical name for mwo, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 洪語」(nev)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼hnu使用。
  • Yuaga, the canonical name for nua, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 奧米語」(omi)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼aom使用。
  • 布那語」(pbv)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bvn使用。
  • 普泰語」(pht)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼mfl使用。
  • Pwaamei, the canonical name for pme, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 波爾語」(pmm)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼blf使用。
  • Paunaca, the canonical name for pnk, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 帕語」(ppt)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼pai使用。
  • 拉瓦語」(rwo)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼luf使用。
  • Zire, the canonical name for sih, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 薩姆語」(snx)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼raq使用。
  • 泰雷諾語」(tiv)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼ter使用。
  • Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin, the canonical name for upv, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Ura (New Guinea), the canonical name for uro, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Lehalurup, the canonical name for urr, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 馬庫瓦語」(vmw)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼lva使用。
  • Banam Bay, the canonical name for vrt, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Yanomámi, the canonical name for wca, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 莫語」(wkd)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼mkg使用。
  • Wè Northern, the canonical name for wob, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 卡里亞語」(xcr)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼khr使用。
  • Indus Valley Language, the canonical name for xiv, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 卡納西語」(xns)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼soq使用。
  • Nyâlayu, the canonical name for yly, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Yaroamë, the canonical name for yro, is repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 貝納語」(yun)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bez使用。
  • 尤奇語」(yuq)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼yuc使用。
  • 儘管原始布那-卡西-林甘語aav-pkl-pro)是布那-卡西-林甘語語支(aav-pkl)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始布那-卡西-林甘語語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Canginalv-cng-pro)是Cangin(alv-cng)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Cangin」。
  • 儘管Proto-Edekirialv-edk-pro)是埃德基里語支(alv-edk)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始埃德基里語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Falialv-fli-pro)是Fali(alv-fli)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Fali」。
  • 儘管Proto-Guangalv-gng-pro)是Guang(alv-gng)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Guang」。
  • 儘管原始中多哥語alv-gtm-pro)是加納-多哥山區語支(alv-gtm)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始加納-多哥山區語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Heibanalv-hei-pro)是Heiban(alv-hei)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Heiban」。
  • 儘管Proto-Idomoidalv-ido-pro)是Idomoid(alv-ido)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Idomoid」。
  • 儘管Proto-Igboidalv-igb-pro)是Igboid(alv-igb)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Igboid」。
  • 儘管Proto-Kwaalv-kwa-pro)是庫阿語支(alv-kwa)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始庫阿語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Mumuyealv-mum-pro)是Mumuye(alv-mum)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Mumuye」。
  • 儘管Proto-Arnhemaus-arn-pro)是Arnhem(aus-arn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Arnhem」。
  • 儘管Proto-Dalyaus-dal-pro)是Daly(aus-dal)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Daly」。
  • 儘管原始伊瓦伊賈語aus-wdj-pro)是Iwaidjan(aus-wdj)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Iwaidjan」。
  • Proto-Amuesha-Chamicuro (awd-amc-pro) has a proto-language code associated with the invalid code awd-amc.
  • Proto-Kampa (awd-kmp-pro) has a proto-language code associated with the invalid code awd-kmp.
  • Maypure, the canonical name for awd-mpr, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 儘管Proto-Nawikiawd-nwk-pro)是Nawiki(awd-nwk)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Nawiki」。
  • Passé, the canonical name for awd-pas, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Proto-Paresi-Waura (awd-prw-pro) has a proto-language code associated with the invalid code awd-prw.
  • 儘管Proto-Cupanazc-cup-pro)是Cupan(azc-cup)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Cupan」。
  • 儘管Proto-Takicazc-tak-pro)是Takic(azc-tak)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Takic」。
  • 儘管原始阿布哈茲-阿巴扎語cau-abz-pro)是阿布哈茲-阿巴札語族(cau-abz)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始阿布哈茲-阿巴札語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Andiancau-and-pro)是Andian(cau-and)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Andian」。
  • 儘管Proto-Masacdc-mas-pro)是Masa(cdc-mas)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Masa」。
  • 儘管Proto-Caddoancdd-pro)是Caddoan(cdd)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Caddoan」。
  • 儘管原始布立吞語cel-bry-pro)是布立吞亞支(cel-bry)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始布立吞亞支」。
  • 儘管Proto-Chimakuanchi-pro)是Chimakuan(chi)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Chimakuan」。
  • 儘管Proto-Bongo-Bagirmicsu-bba-pro)是Bongo-Bagirmi(csu-bba)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Bongo-Bagirmi」。
  • 儘管Proto-Mangbetucsu-maa-pro)是Mangbetu(csu-maa)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Mangbetu」。
  • 儘管Proto-Saracsu-sar-pro)是Sara(csu-sar)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Sara」。
  • 原始魯凱語 (dru-pro) has a proto-language code associated with 魯凱語 (dru), which is not a family.
  • 儘管Proto-Gbayagba-pro)是Gbaya(gba)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Gbaya」。
  • 儘管原始諾爾斯語gmq-pro)是北日耳曼語支(gmq)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始北日耳曼語」。
  • 儘管原始卡姆塔語inc-krn-pro)是KRNB lects(inc-krn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始KRNB lects」。
  • 儘管原始安納托利亞語ine-ana-pro)是安那托利亞語族(ine-ana)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始安那托利亞語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Komisenianira-kms-pro)是Komisenian(ira-kms)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Komisenian」。
  • 儘管原始桑格萊奇伊什卡什米語ira-sgi-pro)是Sanglechi-Ishkashimi(ira-sgi)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Sanglechi-Ishkashimi」。
  • 儘管原始舒格南羅尚語ira-shr-pro)是Shughni-Roshani(ira-shr)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Shughni-Roshani」。
  • 儘管原始舒格南雅茲古拉米語ira-shy-pro)是Shughni-Yazghulami(ira-shy)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Shughni-Yazghulami」。
  • 儘管原始舒格南雅茲古拉米蒙賈尼語ira-sym-pro)是Shughni-Yazghulami-Munji(ira-sym)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Shughni-Yazghulami-Munji」。
  • 儘管原始扎扎其古拉尼語ira-zgr-pro)是扎扎-古拉尼語支(ira-zgr)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始扎扎-古拉尼語」。
  • 儘管原始日語jpx-pro)是日本-琉球語系(jpx)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始日本-琉球語」。
  • 儘管原始漢特語kca-pro)是漢特語組(kca)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始漢特語組」。
  • 儘管原始克木語mkh-khm-pro)是Khmuic(mkh-khm)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Khmuic」。
  • 儘管原始莽語mkh-pkn-pro)是Pakanic(mkh-pkn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Pakanic」。
  • 儘管原始曼西語mns-pro)是曼西語組(mns)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始曼西語組」。
  • 儘管原始楚馬什語nai-chu-pro)是丘馬什語系(nai-chu)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始丘馬什語」。
  • 儘管原始契努克語nai-ckn-pro)是奇努克語系(nai-ckn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始奇努克語」。
  • 儘管原始卡拉普亞語nai-klp-pro)是Kalapuyan(nai-klp)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Kalapuyan」。
  • 儘管Proto-Maidunnai-mdu-pro)是Maiduan(nai-mdu)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Maiduan」。
  • 儘管Proto-Plateau Penutiannai-plp-pro)是Plateau Penutian(nai-plp)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Plateau Penutian」。
  • 儘管原始托托索克語nai-tot-pro)是Totozoquean(nai-tot)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Totozoquean」。
  • 儘管Proto-Tsimshianicnai-tsi-pro)是Tsimshianic(nai-tsi)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Tsimshianic」。
  • 儘管Proto-Utiannai-utn-pro)是烏蒂語族(nai-utn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始烏蒂語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Eastern Oti-Voltanic-eov-pro)是Eastern Oti-Volta(nic-eov)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Eastern Oti-Volta」。
  • 儘管Proto-Gurunsinic-gns-pro)是Gurunsi(nic-gns)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Gurunsi」。
  • 儘管Proto-Grassfieldsnic-grf-pro)是Grassfields(nic-grf)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Grassfields」。
  • 儘管Proto-Gurnic-gur-pro)是Gur(nic-gur)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Gur」。
  • 儘管Proto-Jukunoidnic-jkn-pro)是Jukunoid(nic-jkn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Jukunoid」。
  • 儘管Proto-Lower Cross Rivernic-lcr-pro)是下克羅斯河語支(nic-lcr)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始下克羅斯河語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Ogoninic-ogo-pro)是Ogoni(nic-ogo)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Ogoni」。
  • 儘管Proto-Oti-Voltanic-ovo-pro)是Oti-Volta(nic-ovo)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Oti-Volta」。
  • 儘管Proto-Plateaunic-plt-pro)是Plateau(nic-plt)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Plateau」。
  • 儘管Proto-Ubangiannic-ubg-pro)是烏班吉語支(nic-ubg)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始烏班吉語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Dizoidomv-diz-pro)是Dizoid(omv-diz)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Dizoid」。
  • 原始奧塞提亞語 (os-pro) has a proto-language code associated with 奧塞梯語 (os), which is not a family.
  • 儘管Proto-Kalamianphi-kal-pro)是Kalamian(phi-kal)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Kalamian」。
  • 儘管原始哈馬黑拉-鳥頭灣語poz-hce-pro)是馬黑拉-鳥頭灣語支(poz-hce)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始馬黑拉-鳥頭灣語」。
  • 儘管原始東部波利尼西亞語poz-pep-pro)是東波利尼西亞語(poz-pep)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始東波利尼西亞語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Kaduqfa-kad-pro)是Kadu(qfa-kad)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Kadu」。
  • 儘管原始仡佬語qfa-kra-pro)是仡央語群(qfa-kra)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始仡央語」。
  • 儘管原始侗台語qfa-tak-pro)是壯侗語系(qfa-tak)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始壯侗語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Quechuanqwe-pro)是克丘亞語系(qwe)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始克丘亞語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Boransai-bor-pro)是Boran(sai-bor)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Boran」。
  • 儘管Proto-Taranoansai-tar-pro)是Taranoan(sai-tar)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Taranoan」。
  • Wayumará, the canonical name for sai-way, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 儘管Proto-Witotoansai-wit-pro)是Witotoan(sai-wit)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Witotoan」。
  • 儘管Proto-Dajusdv-daj-pro)是Daju(sdv-daj)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Daju」。
  • 儘管Proto-Eastern Jebelsdv-eje-pro)是Eastern Jebel(sdv-eje)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Eastern Jebel」。
  • 儘管Proto-Niloticsdv-nil-pro)是尼羅語支(sdv-nil)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始尼羅語」。
  • 儘管Proto-Nyimasdv-nyi-pro)是Nyima(sdv-nyi)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Nyima」。
  • 儘管Proto-Tamansdv-tmn-pro)是Taman(sdv-tmn)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Taman」。
  • 儘管原始白語sit-bai-pro)是Bai(sit-bai)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Bai」。
  • 儘管Proto-Komanssa-kom-pro)是Koman(ssa-kom)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始Koman」。
  • 儘管原始台語tai-pro)是壯傣語支(tai)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始壯傣語」。
  • 儘管原始西南台語tai-swe-pro)是西南壯傣語支(tai-swe)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始西南壯傣語」。
  • 儘管原始庫基-欽語tbq-kuk-pro)是庫基語支(tbq-kuk)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始庫基語」。
  • 巴拉語」(tuw-bal)的規範名稱不唯一,同時被代碼bao使用。
  • 儘管原始通古斯語tuw-pro)是滿-通古斯語系(tuw)的祖語,但它並不使用預期的名稱「原始滿-通古斯語」。
  • The data key preprocess_links for ??? (th-new) is invalid.
  • 赫爾尼基語 (xum-her) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code xhr.
  • Phla–Pherá, the canonical name for alv-pph, is repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 古印度-雅利安語支 (inc-old) has no child families or languages.
  • 代碼:VL.。現有名稱:Vulgar Latin。預期名稱:通俗拉丁語。
  • 代碼:VL.。現有名稱:Latin。預期名稱:拉丁語。
  • 代碼:qsb-ibe。現有名稱:羅馬佔領前一種伊比利亞底層語言。預期名稱:羅馬佔領前的伊比利亞底層語言。


	{"North Azerbaijani", "South Azerbaijani",
		{"Afshar", "Afshari", "Afshar Azerbaijani", "Afchar"},
		{"Qashqa'i", "Qashqai", "Kashkay"},

這裏,Afshar變體指定了三個別名(Afshari、Afshar Azerbaijani和Afchar),而Qashqa'i變體指定了兩個別名(Qashqai和Kashkay),而Songor、North Azerbaijani和South Azerbaijani變體沒有列出別名。

在某些情況下,應將變體添加到Module:etymology languages/data中,並將語言作為parent值,以便可以在詞源中引用它們。


local m = {}

m["xaa"] = {
	aliases = {"Andalusian Arabic", "Andalusi Arabic", "Moorish Arabic", "Spanish Arabic"},

m["xab"] = {
	aliases = {"Sambe"},

m["xac"] = {
	aliases = {"Kachari"},

m["xad"] = {
	aliases = {"Adai"},

m["xae"] = {
	aliases = {"Aequian"},

m["xag"] = {
	aliases = {"Aghwan"},
	otherNames = {"Caucasian Albanian", "Old Udi"},

m["xai"] = {
	aliases = {"Kaimbé"},

m["xaj"] = {

m["xak"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mako", "Máku", "Mácu", "Macú", "Macu", "Máko", "Maku-Auari"},

m["xal"] = {
	aliases = {"Kalmyk"},
	otherNames = {"Oirat", "Modern Oirat"},

m["xam"] = {
	aliases = {"ǀXam"},
	otherNames = {"ǀKham"},

m["xan"] = {

m["xao"] = {
	aliases = {"Khao"},

m["xap"] = {
	aliases = {"Apalachee"},

m["xaq"] = {
	aliases = {"Aquitanian"},

m["xar"] = {

m["xas"] = {
	aliases = {"Kamassian"},

m["xat"] = {

m["xau"] = {

m["xav"] = {
	aliases = {"Xavante"},

m["xaw"] = {
	aliases = {"Kawaiisu"},

m["xay"] = {
	aliases = {"Kayan Mahakam"},

m["xbb"] = {

m["xbc"] = {
	aliases = {"Bactrian", "Greco-Bactrian", "Kushan", "Kushano-Bactrian"},

m["xbd"] = {
	aliases = {"Bindal"},

m["xbe"] = {
	aliases = {"Bigambal"},

m["xbg"] = {
	aliases = {"Bunganditj"},

m["xbi"] = {
	aliases = {"Kombio"},

m["xbj"] = {

m["xbm"] = {
	aliases = {"Middle Breton"},

m["xbn"] = {
	aliases = {"Kenaboi"},

m["xbo"] = {
	aliases = {"Bulgar"},
	otherNames = {"Bolğar", "Bulghar", "Bolghar", "Bolgarian", "Bolgar"},

m["xbp"] = {
	aliases = {"Bibbulman"},

m["xbr"] = {
	aliases = {"Kambera"},
	otherNames = {"East Sumbanese", "Sumbanese"},

m["xbw"] = {
	aliases = {"Kambiwá"},

m["xby"] = {
	otherNames = {"Badjala"}, -- contrast gbw

m["xcb"] = {
	aliases = {"Cumbric"},

m["xcc"] = {
	aliases = {"Camunic"},

m["xce"] = {
	aliases = {"Celtiberian"},

m["xch"] = {

m["xcl"] = {
	aliases = {"Old Armenian", "Classical Armenian", "Liturgical Armenian", "Grabar"},

m["xcm"] = {

m["xcn"] = {

m["xco"] = {
	aliases = {"Khwarezmian"},
	otherNames = {"Chorasmian","Khwarazmian","Khorezmian"},

m["xcr"] = {
	aliases = {"Carian"},

m["xct"] = {
	aliases = {"Classical Tibetan"},

m["xcu"] = {
	aliases = {"Curonian"},

m["xcv"] = {
	aliases = {"Chuvan"},
	otherNames = {"Chuvantsy", "Chuvansky"},

m["xcw"] = {

m["xcy"] = {

m["xda"] = {
	aliases = {"Darkinjung"},

m["xdc"] = {
	aliases = {"Dacian"},

m["xdk"] = {
	aliases = {"Dharug"},
	otherNames = {"Darug", "Dharruk", "Dharuk", "Eora", "Iora", "Iyora", "Sydney"},

m["xdm"] = {
	aliases = {"Edomite"},

m["xdy"] = {
	aliases = {"Malayic Dayak"},

m["xeb"] = {
	aliases = {"Eblaite"},

m["xed"] = {

m["xeg"] = {

m["xel"] = {
	aliases = {"Kelo"},

m["xem"] = {
	aliases = {"Kembayan"},

m["xep"] = {

m["xer"] = {
	aliases = {"Xerénte"},
	otherNames = {"Koromu", "Cherente", "Sherenté"},

m["xes"] = {
	otherNames = {"Koromu"},

m["xet"] = {
	aliases = {"Xetá"},

m["xeu"] = {
	aliases = {"Keoru-Ahia"},

m["xfa"] = {
	aliases = {"Faliscan"},

m["xga"] = {
	aliases = {"Galatian"},

m["xgb"] = {

m["xgd"] = {
	aliases = {"Gudang"},

m["xgf"] = {
	aliases = {"Gabrielino-Fernandeño"},
	otherNames = {"Tongva", "Gabrielino", "Gabrieleño", "Fernandeño"},

m["xgg"] = {
	aliases = {"Goreng"},

m["xgi"] = {
	aliases = {"Garingbal"},

m["xgl"] = {
	aliases = {"Galindian"},

m["xgm"] = {
	aliases = {"Darumbal"},
	otherNames = {"Darambal", "Dharumbal", "Dharambal", "Guwinmal", "Kuinmabara", "Karunbara", "Rakiwara", "Wapabara"},

m["xgr"] = {

m["xgu"] = {

m["xgw"] = {
	aliases = {"Guwa"},

m["xha"] = {

m["xhc"] = {
	aliases = {"Hunnic"},
	otherNames = {"Hunnish"},

m["xhd"] = {
	aliases = {"Hadrami"},

m["xhe"] = {
	aliases = {"Khetrani"},
	otherNames = {"Khetranki"},

m["xhm"] = {
	aliases = {"Middle Khmer"},

m["xhr"] = {
	aliases = {"Hernican"},

m["xht"] = {
	aliases = {"Hattic"},
	otherNames = {"Hattian"},

m["xhu"] = {
	aliases = {"Hurrian"},

m["xhv"] = {
	aliases = {"Khua"},

m["xib"] = {
	aliases = {"Iberian"},

m["xii"] = {

m["xil"] = {
	aliases = {"Illyrian"},

m["xin"] = {

m["xir"] = {

m["xis"] = {

m["xiv"] = {
	aliases = {"Harappan"},
	otherNames = {"Indus Valley Language"},

m["xiy"] = {
	otherNames = {"Shipaja", "Xipaia"},

m["xjb"] = {
	aliases = {"Minjungbal"},

m["xka"] = {
	aliases = {"Kalkoti"},

m["xkb"] = {

m["xkc"] = {
	aliases = {"Khoini", "Xoini, Kho'ini"},

m["xkd"] = {
	aliases = {"Mendalam Kayan"},

m["xke"] = {
	aliases = {"Kereho"},
	otherNames = {"Krio Dayak", "Krio", "Keriu", "Seputan"},

m["xkf"] = {
	aliases = {"Khengkha"},
	otherNames = {"Kheng"},

m["xkg"] = {

m["xki"] = {
	aliases = {"Kenyan Sign Language"},

m["xkj"] = {
	aliases = {"Kajali"},

m["xkk"] = {
	aliases = {"Kaco'"},
	otherNames = {"Lamam"}, -- Lamam is a Kaco' clan name, formerly encoded by the ISO as 'lmm'

m["xkl"] = {
	aliases = {"Bakung"},
	otherNames = {"Mainstream Kenyah", "Kenyah"},

m["xkn"] = {
	aliases = {"Kayan River Kayan"},

m["xko"] = {
	aliases = {"Kiorr"},

m["xkp"] = {
	aliases = {"Kabatei"},

m["xkq"] = {
	aliases = {"Koroni"},

m["xkr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chacriabá", "Chacriaba", "Chakriaba", "Xakriaba", "Xacriabá", "Xacriaba", "Chikriaba", "Xikriabá", "Xikriaba", "Shacriaba", "Xicriabá", "Xicriaba", "Chicriabá", "Chicriaba"},

m["xks"] = {
	aliases = {"Kumbewaha"},

m["xkt"] = {

m["xku"] = {

m["xkv"] = {

m["xkw"] = {

m["xkx"] = {
	aliases = {"Karore"},

m["xky"] = {

m["xkz"] = {
	aliases = {"Kurtöp"},
	otherNames = {"Kurtop", "Kurtö", "Kurtopkha", "Kurtokha", "Zhâke"},

m["xla"] = {
	aliases = {"Kamula"},

m["xlb"] = {

m["xlc"] = {
	aliases = {"Lycian"},

m["xld"] = {
	aliases = {"Lydian"},

m["xle"] = {
	aliases = {"Lemnian"},

m["xlg"] = {
	aliases = {"Ancient Ligurian"},

m["xli"] = {
	aliases = {"Liburnian"},

m["xlo"] = {

m["xlp"] = {
	aliases = {"Lepontic"},

m["xls"] = {
	aliases = {"Lusitanian"},

m["xlu"] = {
	aliases = {"Luwian"},
	otherNames = {"Cuneiform Luwian", "Hieroglyphic Luwian"},

m["xly"] = {
	aliases = {"Elymian"},

m["xmb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mboa"},

m["xmc"] = {

m["xmd"] = {

m["xmf"] = {
	aliases = {"Mingrelian"},
	otherNames = {"Megrelian", "Mingrel", "Megrel"},

m["xmg"] = {

m["xmh"] = {
	aliases = {"Kugu-Muminh"},
	otherNames = {"Kuku-Muminh", "Wik-Muminh", "Kugu-Nganhcara", "Wik-Nganhcara", "Wikngenchera"},

m["xmj"] = {

m["xmk"] = {
	aliases = {"Ancient Macedonian"},

m["xml"] = {
	aliases = {"Malaysian Sign Language"},

m["xmm"] = {
	aliases = {"Manado Malay"},

m["xmo"] = {

m["xmp"] = {
	aliases = {"Kuku-Mu'inh"},

m["xmq"] = {
	aliases = {"Kuku-Mangk"},

m["xmr"] = {
	aliases = {"Meroitic"},
	otherNames = {"Kushite"},

m["xms"] = {
	aliases = {"Moroccan Sign Language"},

m["xmt"] = {
	aliases = {"Matbat"},

m["xmu"] = {

m["xmx"] = {

m["xmy"] = {
	aliases = {"Mayaguduna"},

m["xmz"] = {
	aliases = {"Mori Bawah"},

m["xna"] = {
	aliases = {"Ancient North Arabian"},

m["xnb"] = {
	aliases = {"Kanakanabu"},
	otherNames = {"Kanakanavu"},

m["xng"] = {
	aliases = {"Middle Mongol"},
	otherNames = {"Middle Mongolian"},

m["xnh"] = {
	aliases = {"Kuanhua"},

m["xni"] = {

m["xnk"] = {
	aliases = {"Nganakarti"},

m["xnn"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Kankanay", "Northern Kankana-ey"},

m["xnr"] = {
	aliases = {"Kangri"},

m["xns"] = {
	aliases = {"Kanashi"},

m["xnt"] = {
	aliases = {"Narragansett"},

m["xnu"] = {

m["xny"] = {
	aliases = {"Nyiyaparli"},
	otherNames = {"Nyiyabali", "Njijabali", "Nijadali"},

m["xoc"] = {

m["xod"] = {

m["xog"] = {
	aliases = {"Soga"},
	otherNames = {"Lusoga"},

m["xoi"] = {

m["xok"] = {
	aliases = {"Xokleng"},

m["xom"] = {
	aliases = {"Komo"},
	otherNames = {"Komo (Sudan)", "Madiin"},

m["xon"] = {
	aliases = {"Konkomba"},

m["xoo"] = { -- contrast kzw, sai-kat, sai-xoc
	aliases = {"Xukurú"},
	otherNames = {"Xukuru", "Xucurú", "Xucuru", "Shukurú", "Shukuru", "Shucurú", "Shucuru", "Kirirí", "Kiriri", "Kirirí-Xokó"},

m["xop"] = {
	aliases = {"Kopar"},

m["xor"] = {

m["xow"] = {
	aliases = {"Kowaki"},

m["xpa"] = {
	aliases = {"Pirriya"},

m["xpb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Northeastern Tasmanian", "North East Tasmanian", "Plangermaireener", "Plangamerina", "Cape Portland", "Ben Lomond", "Pipers River"},

m["xpc"] = {
	aliases = {"Pecheneg"},

m["xpd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Oyster Bay", "Oyster Bay Tasmanian", "Paritarami", "Big River", "Big River Tasmanian", "Lairmairrener", "Lemerina"},

m["xpe"] = {
	aliases = {"Liberia Kpelle"},

m["xpf"] = {
	aliases = {"Southeast Tasmanian"},
	otherNames = {"Mainland Southeast Tasmanian", "Nuenonne", "Nyunoni"},

m["xpg"] = {
	aliases = {"Phrygian"},

m["xph"] = {
	otherNames = {"North Midland Tasmanian", "North Midlands Tasmanian", "Cheranotipana"},

m["xpi"] = {
	aliases = {"Pictish"},

m["xpj"] = {
	aliases = {"Mpalitjanh"},
	otherNames = {"Luthigh"},

m["xpk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kulina Pano"},

m["xpl"] = {
	aliases = {"Port Sorell", "Port Sorell Tasmanian"},

m["xpm"] = {
	aliases = {"Pumpokol"},

m["xpn"] = {
	aliases = {"Kapinawá"},

m["xpo"] = {
	aliases = {"Pochutec"},

m["xpp"] = {

m["xpq"] = {
	aliases = {"Mohegan-Pequot"},

m["xpr"] = {
	aliases = {"Parthian"},

m["xps"] = {
	aliases = {"Pisidian"},

m["xpu"] = {
	aliases = {"Punic"},

m["xpv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tommeeginnee", "Northern Tasmanian"},

m["xpw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Pirapa", "Northwestern Tasmanian"},

m["xpx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Southwestern Tasmanian"},

m["xpy"] = {
	aliases = {"Buyeo"},

m["xpz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bruny Island Tasmanian", "Nuenonne", "Nyunoni"},

m["xqa"] = {
	aliases = {"Karakhanid"},

m["xqt"] = {

m["xra"] = {
	aliases = {"Krahô"},

m["xrb"] = {

m["xrd"] = {

m["xre"] = {

m["xrg"] = {
	aliases = {"Minang"},

m["xri"] = {

m["xrm"] = {

m["xrn"] = {
	aliases = {"Arin"},

m["xrq"] = {
	aliases = {"Karranga"},
	otherNames = {"Karrangpurru"},

m["xrr"] = {
	aliases = {"Raetic"},
	otherNames = {"Rhaetic", "Rhaetian"},

m["xrt"] = {

m["xru"] = {
	aliases = {"Marriammu"},

m["xrw"] = {

m["xsa"] = {
	aliases = {"Sabaean"},

m["xsb"] = {
	aliases = {"Sambali"},
	otherNames = {"Sambal", "Tina Sambal", "Tina"},

m["xsd"] = {
	aliases = {"Sidetic"},

m["xse"] = {

m["xsh"] = {

m["xsi"] = {

m["xsj"] = {

m["xsl"] = {
	aliases = {"South Slavey"},

m["xsm"] = {
	aliases = {"Kasem"},
	otherNames = {"Kassena"},

m["xsn"] = {
	aliases = {"Sanga (Nigeria)"},
	otherNames = {"Sanga"},

m["xso"] = {

m["xsp"] = {

m["xsq"] = {

m["xsr"] = {
	aliases = {"Sherpa", "Sharpa", "Sharwa", "Xiaerba"},

m["xss"] = {
	aliases = {"Assan"},

m["xsu"] = {
	aliases = {"Sanumá", "Sanöma", "Sanɨma", "Sanema", "Sanemá", "Sanuma", "Sanima", "Sanma"},

m["xsv"] = {
	aliases = {"Sudovian"},
	otherNames = {"Jatvingian"},

m["xsy"] = {
	aliases = {"Saisiyat"},

m["xta"] = {
	aliases = {"Alcozauca Mixtec"},

m["xtb"] = {
	aliases = {"Chazumba Mixtec"},

m["xtc"] = {
	aliases = {"Kadugli"},
	otherNames = {"Katcha-Kadugli-Miri"},

m["xtd"] = {
	aliases = {"Diuxi-Tilantongo Mixtec"},

m["xte"] = {
	aliases = {"Ketengban"},

m["xth"] = {

m["xti"] = {
	aliases = {"Sinicahua Mixtec"},

m["xtj"] = {
	aliases = {"San Juan Teita Mixtec"},

m["xtl"] = {
	aliases = {"Tijaltepec Mixtec"},

m["xtm"] = {
	aliases = {"Magdalena Peñasco Mixtec"},

m["xtn"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Tlaxiaco Mixtec"},

m["xto"] = {
	aliases = {"Tocharian A"},
	otherNames = {"East Tocharian", "Agnean", "Turfanian"},

m["xtp"] = {
	aliases = {"San Miguel Piedras Mixtec"},

m["xtq"] = {
	aliases = {"Tumshuqese"},

m["xtr"] = {

m["xts"] = {
	aliases = {"Sindihui Mixtec"},

m["xtt"] = {
	aliases = {"Tacahua Mixtec"},

m["xtu"] = {
	aliases = {"Cuyamecalco Mixtec"},

m["xtv"] = {

m["xtw"] = {

m["xty"] = {
	aliases = {"Yoloxochitl Mixtec"},

m["xua"] = {

m["xub"] = {

m["xud"] = {

m["xug"] = {
	aliases = {"Kunigami"},

m["xuj"] = {

m["xul"] = {

m["xum"] = {
	aliases = {"Umbrian"},

m["xun"] = {

m["xuo"] = {

m["xup"] = {

m["xur"] = {
	aliases = {"Urartian"},
	otherNames = {"Urartean"},

m["xut"] = {
	aliases = {"Kuthant"},

m["xuu"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kxoe"},

m["xve"] = {
	aliases = {"Venetic"},

-- m["xvi"] = { "Kamviri", 1193495, "nur-nor", scripts = {"Arab"} } moved to etym-only code

m["xvn"] = {
	aliases = {"Vandalic"},

m["xvo"] = {
	aliases = {"Volscian"},

m["xvs"] = {

m["xwa"] = {
	aliases = {"Kwaza"},

m["xwc"] = {

m["xwd"] = {
	aliases = {"Wadi Wadi"},

m["xwe"] = {

m["xwg"] = {

m["xwj"] = {
	aliases = {"Wajuk"},

m["xwk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Wanggumara", "Karenggapa", "Punthamara"},

m["xwl"] = {

m["xwo"] = {
	aliases = {"Written Oirat"},

m["xwr"] = {

m["xww"] = {
	aliases = {"Wemba-Wemba"},
	otherNames = {"Wemba Wemba", "Wamba-Wamba", "Wamba Wamba", "Wembawemba", "Baraba-Baraba", "Barababaraba", "Nari-Nari", "Wergaia", "Wotjobaluk"},

m["xxb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Boro (Ghana)"},

m["xxk"] = {

m["xxm"] = {

m["xxr"] = {

m["xxt"] = {

m["xya"] = {
	aliases = {"Yaygir"},

m["xyb"] = {
	aliases = {"Yandjibara"},

m["xyl"] = {

m["xyt"] = {
	aliases = {"Mayi-Thakurti"},

m["xyy"] = {
	otherNames = {"Yotayota", "Yortayorta", "Bangerang", "Kailtheban", "Wollithiga", "Jotijota", "Joti-Jota", "Jodajoda"},

m["xzh"] = {
	aliases = {"Zhang-Zhung"},

m["xzm"] = {
	otherNames = {"Semigallian", "Semigalian"},

m["xzp"] = {
	aliases = {"Ancient Zapotec"},

return m