This module will transliterate text in the 書冊巴列維文.
The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules.
To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}
Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.
For testcases, see Module:Phlv-translit/testcases.
tr(text, lang, sc)
- Transliterates a given piece of
written in the script specified by the codesc
, and language specified by the codelang
. - When the transliteration fails, returns
local export = {}
local U = mw.ustring.char
local gdy_pattern = "[" .. U(0x10BCB, 0x10BCD, 0x10BCC, 0x10BCE) .. "]" .. U(0x10BB2)
local gdy_map = {
[""] = "g", -- gimel-daleth-yodh with two dots above
[""] = "d", -- gimel-daleth-yodh with hat above
[""] = "y", -- gimel-daleth-yodh with two dots below
[""] = "j", -- gimel-daleth-yodh with dot below
local tt = {
[""] = "ʾ", -- aleph-het
[""] = "b", -- beth
[""] = "?", -- gimel-daleth-yodh (Should have been transliterated)
[""] = "ḍ", -- old daleth
[""] = "h", -- he
[""] = "'", -- waw-nun-ayin-resh
[""] = "z", -- zayin
[""] = "k", -- kaph
[""] = "k", -- old kaph
[""] = "l", -- lamedh
[""] = "ƚ", -- old lamedh
[""] = "ḷ", -- l-lamedh
[""] = "m", -- mem-qoph
[""] = "s", -- samekh
[""] = "p", -- pe
[""] = "c", -- sadhe
[""] = "š", -- shin
[""] = "t", -- taw
[""] = "yt", -- x1
[""] = "ty", -- x2
[""] = "", -- I
[""] = "", -- ahriman
function export.tr(text, lang, sc)
-- If the script is not Phlv, do not transliterate
if sc ~= "Phlv" then
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, gdy_pattern, gdy_map)
-- Category to catch automatic transcriptions of waw-ayin-resh and mem-qoph
-- [[Category:Automatic Book Pahlavi transliterations containing ambiguous characters]]
local ambig_note = ""
if mw.ustring.match(text, "[]") then
ambig_note = "[[Category:Automatic Book Pahlavi transliterations containing ambiguous characters]]"
-- Transliterate characters
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '.', tt)
return text
return export