
  • a solid roundish object (SRO) starts to be carried
    • 實心圓形物?固體圓形物?
  • Each of the four cardinal directions is associated with a different color. Shádiʼááh is associated with the color turquoise (dootłʼizhii), and is considered the second direction. The word shádiʼááh comes from shá (sun), and refers to the sun’s highest point, noontime. This direction represents the midday, planning (nahatʼá), summer, beans, childhood, the body, and motor skills. It also represents the tó áhání clan.
    • (機翻)四個基本方向中的每一個都與不同的顏色相關聯。Shádiʼááh與綠松石(doot ü izhii)的顏色聯繫在一起,被認為是第二個方向。shádiʼááh一詞來源於shá“太陽”,指太陽的最高點,正午。這個方向代表正午、計劃、夏天、豆子、童年、身體和運動技能。它也代表着tó áhání氏族。