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I used to edit as Lo Ximiendo. I have high-functioning autism (自閉症).
Couldn't updating entries at Wiktionary be done as a task in detention at a linguistic university?
The absence of applicable templates in entries is hardly professional and hardly virtuous; I don't care about your ethnoreligious background or your political affiliation, when it comes to templates and entries.
Anyway, fan letters in any language are welcome.
编辑For those who would like to help with improving at least English language entries.
{{also|}} ==英語== ===詞源=== [...],來自[...]。對照[...]。 ===發音=== ===名詞=== {{en-noun}} # {{rfdef|en}} ====用法說明==== ====派生詞彙==== ====相關詞彙==== ===異序詞=== * {{anagrams|en|a=|}}
And Russian language entries.
==俄語== {{wikipedia|lang=ru}} ===替代寫法=== * {{alt|ru|...||ru-PRO}} ===詞源=== [...],來自[...]。對照[...]。 ===發音=== ===名詞=== {{ru-noun+|}} # {{rfdef|ru}} ====用法說明==== ====變格==== {{ru-noun-table|}} ====派生詞彙==== ====相關詞彙==== ===延伸閱讀=== * {{R:ru:BTS}}
编辑Revolutionary Monsters (a book by Donald T. Critchlow) - 革命魔鬼
Virtue-whipping mankurt (the last term is from Russian манку́рт (mankúrt)) - 德鞭鬼
Schizophone (smartphone) - 精裂電話-或-精神分裂電話-或-思覺失調電話
Suitopia (a region in the lore of Toontown: Corporate Clash) - 套裝民國
Mossy Earth - 苔蘚地
Pythagoras - 畢達哥拉斯 - 深曰師或深曰子
Platon - 柏拉圖 - 寬師或寬子
Plotinus - 普羅提諾 - 平師或平子 (The name could be an allusion to the literary term 坦平 I suppose.)
Plethon - 卜列東 - 豐多師或豐多子
Thunder-wheel - 雷輪
Thunder Wizard Path - 雷巫覡道
Orchestrion - 管弦樂團機器
Angélique / angelica / angel lute - 天使琴
Claviharp (Sinophones, it's a real English word) - 鍵盤豎琴
Virginal - 維吉那琴 - 女孩琴
Dogrib language - 多格里布語 - 犬肋語
Radhaube - 輪帽
Hexapawn - 六兵卒棋
Octopawn - 八兵卒棋
Rota (Ancient Roman-style board game) - 羅馬輪棋
Chak (Mayan-style chess) - 壇棋
- Chak pieces:
- King (K) - 國王 (Abbr.: 王)
- Divine King (D) - 神王 (Abbr.: 神)
- Jaguar (J) - 點豹 (Abbr.: 豹)
- Quetzal (Q) - 咬鵑 (Abbr.: 鵑)
- Shaman (S) - 巫覡 (Abbr.: 覡)
- Vulture (V) - 禿鷹 (Abbr.: 鷹)
- Serpent (R) - 羽蛇 (Abbr.: 蛇)
- Pawn (P) - 兵卒 / 卒子 (Abbr.: 卒)
- Warrior (W) - 武士 (Abbr.: 士)
- Offering (O) - 祭品 / 祭物 (Abbr.: 祭)
Ladder chess - 梯棋
Thronschach (Throne-chess) - 寶座棋
Seenschach (Lake-chess) - 湖棋
Tree garden chess - 樹園棋
Herb garden chess - 香草園棋
Centurion Chess - 百夫長棋
Symmetric chess - 對稱西洋棋
Star Pool Chess - 星池棋
Seven ravens (a board game) - 七鴉(棋)
Salmon ladder - 鮭梯
Linga massage and Yoni massage - 陰部按摩
Golden currant (Ribes aureum) - 金花醋栗
Snow currant (Ribes niveum) - 雪醋栗
Wax currant (Ribes cereum) - 蠟醋栗
Meridian, Idaho - 梅里迪恩 - 經線
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho - 錐心
Cathedral Pines, Idaho - ... - 聖堂松
Obsidian, Idaho - ... - 黑曜岩
Bee Cave, Texas - ... - 蜂(洞/穴/窟) - What do you think of this development?
Königsberg - 哥尼斯堡 - 王山 (For various reasons of conscience, I would rather use the old German place-names instead of the toponyms coined by the Soviet Union.)
Salzburg - 薩爾茲堡 - 鹽城堡
Nalchik - 納爾奇克 - 小馬掌
Santa Fe - 聖菲 - 聖信
Aracan - 阿拉干 - 𫮄菈芉
Punjab - 旁遮普 - 五江
Burkina Faso - 布吉納法索 / 布基納法索 - 真父房或真父屋 (I'm also not sure which.)
Monaco - 摩納哥 - 單屋
Tuvalu - 圖瓦盧 / 吐瓦魯 - 八島國
Cuba - 古巴 - 菇芭 (I suppose, that the usage of the grass radical could be an allusion to the Taíno word for abundant fertile land, cubao.)