漢語 编辑

詞源1 编辑

來自英語 accountAC同源對似詞

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑


  1. (香港話) 銀行帳戶
  2. (香港話) 用於訪問網路伺服器帳號

替代寫法 编辑

  • (訪問網路伺服器的帳號) acc

相關詞 编辑

詞源2 编辑

來自英語 accounting的截斷。

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑


  1. (香港話) 會計會計師

來源 编辑

英語 编辑

發音 编辑

词源 编辑

< 中古英语 < 盎格鲁-诺尔曼语 acunt(同义) < 古法语 acont < 古法语 aconter < 拉丁语 computo(计算)

名词 编辑

单数 account,复数 accounts

  1. 账户
    I don't have a bank account.  我没有银行账户。
    to have an account at/with a bank  在银行有账户
    to open/close an account  开立/结清账户
    What's your account number please?  请问你的账户号码?
    I paid the cheque into my savings account.  我把支票存入我的储蓄账户。
    a joint account (= one in the name of more than one person)  联合账户
  2. 〈多用复〉 账目
    to do the accounts  记账
    to keep the accounts up to date  保持账目日清月结
    the accounts department  会计部门
  3. 赊销账;赊欠账;赊购
    Put it on my account please.  请记在我的赊购账上。
    We have accounts with most of our suppliers.  我们与大多数供应商都是实行赊购制。
  4. 老主顾
    The advertising agency has lost several of its most important accounts.  这家广告代理公司失去了几家最重要的老客户。
  5. (互联网收发电子邮件的)账户,账号
    an Internet/e-mail account  互联网/电子邮件账户
    a written or spoken description of something that has happened  描述;叙述;报告
    She gave the police a full account of the incident.  她向警方详尽地叙述了所发生的事情。
    The diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer's experiences in China.  日记详细记述了作者在中国的经历。
  6. (思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,叙述
    the Biblical account of the creation of the world  《圣经》对创世的解释

词组 编辑

  • by/from all accounts 据说;根据报道
  • by your own account 根据某人自己所说
  • 〈英式〉 give a good/poor account of yourself (尤指比赛中)表现好/不好,干得出色/差劲
  • 〈书面〉 of no/little account 不重要;无足轻重
  • on account  挂账;(先付小部份款额的)赊账
  • on somebody's account  为了某人的缘故
  • on account of something  由于;因为
  • on no account; not on any account  决不;绝对不
  • on your own account  为自己;自愿地
  • 〈书面〉 on this/that account 由于这个/那个缘故
  • 〈书面〉 put/turn something to good account 善用;利用
  • take account of something; take something into account  考虑到;顾及

动词 编辑

  1. 〈书面,多为被动〉 认为是;视为
    In English law a person is accounted innocent until they are proved guilty.  按英国法津,一个人未经证实有罪之前被视为无罪。
    The event was accounted a success.  人们认为这次活动是成功的。
    there's no accounting for taste saying(词组) 人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好
    She thinks he's wonderful─oh well, there's no accounting for taste.  她认为他了不起 嗯,算了,人各有所好嘛。

词组 编辑

account for something

  1. 是…的说明(或原因)
    The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.  天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。
    Oh well, that accounts for it (= I understand now why it happened).  哎呀,原来是这么一回事。
  2. 解释;说明
    How do you account for the show's success?  你认为这次演出为何成功?
  3. (数量上、比例上)占
    The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue.  日本市场占该公司收入的35%。

account for somebody/something

  1. (尤指在事故之后)了解,查明
    All passengers have now been accounted for.  现在所有乘客的情况均已查明。
  2. 〈俗〉 打败;破坏;摧毁;消灭
    Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.  我们的高射炮击落了五架敌人的轰炸机。

account for something (to somebody)

  1. 说明钱财的处置情况;报账
    We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips.  我们出公差所用的每一分钱都得报清楚。