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維基百科 en

字源 编辑

來自America,可能基於euro;1999年由加拿大政治家Herb Grubel所造。

名詞 编辑

amero (複數 ameros)

  1. 北美共同货币,理論上未來北美統一使用的貨幣
    • 2003, Louis-Philippe Rochon, Mario Seccareccia, Dollarization: lessons from Europe and the Americas
      The amero notes and coins will have in common abstract designs on one side. Notes and coins will be produced in each of the three countries []
    • 2006, Amy Verdun, Britain and Canada and their large neighboring monetary unions:
      From the US point of view, the key benefit of the amero model - reduced transactions costs - would be fully duplicated by the dollarization alternative.
    • 2006, Vasu Brown, Digital Xchange - Boring Ways to Learn the DX Market:
      The Amero would increase the GDP of the US by only roughly 15%.

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