编辑借自拉丁語 angariō, angariāte (“強迫”)。
编辑angariate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 angariates,現在分詞 angariating,一般過去時及過去分詞 angariated)
- (棄用,及物) 強迫,迫使(某人)
- 1609, William Barlow, An Ansvver to a Catholike English-man, London: […] Thomas Haneland for Mathew Law,第 140 頁:
- Howſoeuer, if parting with a peece of money be ſuch a Preſſure to the husband for the Wines wilfulnes, what a miſerable Preſſing Crueltie was that to burne a woman great with Childe, which opening the wombe in the torments , and comming foorth, was Angariated as throwen backe into the fire, to bee conſumed with the Mother?
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- 1635, Iohn Downe, “To the Reader”, 出自 A Treatise of the Trve Natvre and Definition of Justifying Faith, […] Iohn Lichfield for Edward Foreſt,第 A2 頁:
- Wherefore I could not but with Iacobs Angel giue them leaue to prevaile, & yeeld ſo farre unto their earneſt requeſt, that being angariated to goe but one mile, I was notwithstanding content to goe with them more then twaine , preaching(before my departure thence)divers ſermons vnto them.
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- 1676, Andreas Rivetus [i.e., André Rivet], Mr. Smirke, or, the Divine in Mode,第 12 頁:
- Therefore,though Chriſt hath commanded his Followers (ſo it be not I ſuppoſe out of his Way) that if any man preſs them to go one mile, they ſhould go two, yet it is not wiſdom in the Church to pretend to, or however to exerciſe, that Power of Angariating men further than their occaſions or underſtandings will permit.
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- 1918, “Other Sheep Not of This Fold” (章號 XVII), 出自 Pastor Halloft: A Story of Clerical Life, Longmans, Green and Co.,第 157 頁:
- Accordingly, he made up his mind to acquire a knowledge of the Hungarian dialects. Later on he sought to do the same with Italian; and he angariated his assistant at the church into becoming interested in the same studies.
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