
中古英語 编辑

詞源1 编辑

源自古英語 bridd,源頭有爭議。

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名詞 编辑

brid (复数 briddes)

  1. 小鳥
    • a. 1382, John Wycliffe, “Matheu 13:31-32”, 出自 Wycliffe's Bible:
      Another parable Jheſus puttide forth to hem, and ſeide, The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a corn of ſeneuey, which a man took, and ſewe in his feeld. / Which is the leeste of alle ſeedis, but whanne it hath woxen, it is the moste of alle wortis, and is maad a tre; ſo that briddis of the eir comen, and dwellen in the bowis therof.
      Jesus put another parable in front of them; he said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in their field. / It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it grows, it is the largest of all the plants; it is a tree, so the birds of the air come and nest in its branches."
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派生語彙 编辑
  • 英語: bird
  • 低地蘇格蘭語: bird

詞源2 编辑

源自古英語 brȳd

名詞 编辑


  1. bride的另一種寫法

塞爾維亞-克羅地亞語 编辑

名詞 编辑

brȋd m (西里爾字母拼寫 бри̑д)

  1. (圖論)