參見:burn in
编辑- (製造業) 燒機
- 倦怠前的階段,工作效率和參與度下降
- 2005, Thomas Hyphantis, Venetsanos Mavreas, “‘Burning In’ – ‘Burning Out’ in Public: Aspects of the Burnout Process in Community-Based Psychiatric Services”, 出自 Alexander-Stamatios G. Antoniou, Cary L. Cooper 編, Research Companion to Organizational Health Psychology,第 538 頁:
- A huge personal investment results in a huge ‘burn-in’. This is probably the first state that needs to be dealt with, before switching to ‘burn-out’. Indeed discussion about the important interaction between the two could lead to the avoidance of ‘burn-out’ through understanding ‘burn-in’. Interestingly, a large body of literature has shown that professionals in the mental heath[sic] services seem to be more vulnerable to the ‘burn-in’—‘burn-out’ process.
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编辑- (製造業): heat soaking
编辑- (工作中): burn-out