英语 编辑

动词 编辑

crack wise (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 cracks wise,現在分詞 cracking wise,一般過去時及過去分詞 cracked wise)

  1. (不及物) 挖苦讥讽
    • 1917, George Bronson-Howard, Slaves of the Lamp:
      "Whenever I commit a crime?" expostulated Paul. "Where do you get that stuff, Ferret?" / "Out of me nut, kiddo. Why don't you stop cracking wise, and go back to the ribbon counter?"
    • 1985 Aug. 5, Jacob V. Lamar Jr., "Coming Along Just Fine," Time:
      Reagan displayed his usual aplomb and even cracked wise about his age at a White House banquet.

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参考资料 编辑

  • OneLook 在线词典 上有关 crack wise 的释义

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