參見:dog man





dog +‎ -man


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dogman (複數 dogmen)

  1. (澳大利亞新西蘭) 吊車司機助手,主要幫忙扣緊貨物和指揮操作員。
    • 1998, Meredith Burgmann, Verity Burgmann, Green Bans, Red Union: Environmental Activism and the New South Wales Builders Labourers′ Federation, page 108,
      Accordingly, during 1972 the union embarked upon a concerted campaign to enforce the use of two dogmen on each crane.
    • 2005, Henry Pollack, The Accidental Developer: The Fascinating Rise to the Top of Mirvac Founder Henry Pollack, page 243,
      The usual crane crew required for operation of the site was one crane driver and two dogmen, but the BLF insisted that the builder keep a relief crane driver and a relief dogman permanently on site.
    • 2010, Raymond D. Clements, Aussie Rogue, page 59,
      The only work I had done as a dogman was to use a crane on the back of a truck ‘slinging loads’ and work the crane and truck myself.
  2. 訓練鬥狗者。
    • 2004, Alex Thio, Thomas C. Calhoun, Readings in Deviant Behavior,第 325 頁:
      They then contact a dogman in that area to make arrangements to have the fight at a location that he provides.
  3. (神秘動物學) 半人半狗的生物。
    • 2002, Sovereign Stone: Bestiary of Loerem:
      A dogman's legs are back bent, crooked as a dog's. Its body is covered in fine fur, and its face has a dog-like snout and ear. A dogman's arms and torso are completely humanoid, save for the its strange paws, that are vaguely human-like, but with thick dark claws.
    • 2018, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Fate Presents Werewolves and Dogmen:
      Their apparent hybrid nature makes them “dogmen” or “man-wolves.”
  4. dog man的另一種寫法
    • 1902, Alvin George Eberhart, Everything about Dogs,第 112 頁:
      The system will require good support, and, it may be, a course of tonics, such as a grain or two of quinine, night and morning, in the form of a pill; or, using one of the Condition Pills you see advertised in this book—Clayton's, Dent's or Seargeant's—they are all good, made by dogmen for dogs, and you won't go amiss in using either of them in such cases.
    • 1911, O. Henry, Ulysses and the Dogman:
      Every one of those dogmen has been either cajoled, bribed, or commanded by his own particular Circe to take the dear household pet out for an airing.
    • 1968, John Montgomery, The World of Cats,第 12 頁:
      A dogman, he said, likes having tails wagged at him, wants to be looked up to, and tends for that reason to be quite a good leader. A catman, on the other hand, is made slightly uncomfortable by spaniel eyes and devoted tail thumpings.
    • 2010, AKC Gazette - Volume 127,第 14 頁:
      Now another important component of the skeleton is under scrutiny by some of our most respected dogmen and -women: the anatomy of the chest and the relationship between the correct rib cage and loin.








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