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get a room

  1. 仅按字面意思,并无比喻或俗语义;参见getaroom
  2. (俗語非正式有時幽默) 注意影响 用来指示情侣不要在公共场合唧唧我我。
    • 2021 12月 26, Alys Fowler, “My winter of love: I was homesick in New York. The quiet Danish poet was just what I was longing for”, 出自 The Guardian[1]:
      One night he kissed me on a park bench. I knew we shouldn’t but he would be gone so soon. The next night a homeless guy on a bench nearby hollered at us to get a room, but we couldn’t as we both had fierce landladies.

参见 编辑

  • PDA (“public display of affection”的首字母缩略词)

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