



lose one's marbles (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 loses one's marbles,現在分詞 losing one's marbles,一般過去時及過去分詞 lost one's marbles)

  1. lose one's mind (发狂)之同義詞
    • 1981 April 13, New York magazine, vol. 14, no. 15,
      There it was again, the suggestion that the governor had lost his marbles. And, to be truthful, Breslin is a bit late on the loony angle.
    • 2004, Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Dick Gerde, A world for Julius:
      If my golfing friends would see me now, they'd crap in their pants laughing at me. They'd say that poor jerk had lost his marbles.
    • 2005, Charles R. Cross, Room full of mirrors: a biography of Jimi Hendrix:
      Jimi's obsession with his guitar garnered him a nickname around Clarksville: Marbles. He was so named because people thought he had "lost his marbles" and was crazy as a result of his excessive practicing.
    • 2023 4月 27, Nils Pratley, “Ignore Microsoft’s whines about the Activision takeover. The CMA did its job”, 出自 The Guardian[1], →ISSN:
      On the substance of Smith’s grumble – that Microsoft’s remedies for the cloud part of the gaming market were sufficient – opinion obviously differs, but the CMA hasn’t lost its marbles.