英語 编辑

名詞 编辑

millimètre (複數 millimètres)

  1. millimetre的罕見拼法。
    • 1874, Half-yearly Compendium of Medical Science XIII–XIV, page 240:
      The patient was a little girl, who, after juxta-epiphysary osteitis of the tibia, presented, with an anchylosed knee, a shortening of 24 millimètres. An application of Vienna paste, and afterwards Canquoin’s was made over the front of the tibia; three months afterwards the shortening was only 11 millimètres.

異序詞 编辑

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詞源 编辑

milli- +‎ mètre

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名詞 编辑

millimètre m (複數 millimètres)

  1. 毫米

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