英语 编辑

词源 编辑

monitor +‎ -ize

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monitorize (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 monitorizes,現在分詞 monitorizing,一般過去時及過去分詞 monitorized)

  1. (非標準) (用監視器)認真查看
    • 1982, G. Niemeyer, Techniques in Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision,頁號 55:
      The microsystem, interfaced to the instrumentation system, monitorizes computed values on digital display and analogic plotter.
    • 1989, R Pistelli, “Comparison of The Performance of Two Mini Peak Flow Meters”, 出自 Respiration, 卷 56,頁號 103:
      Two mini peak flow meters commonly used to monitorize the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) are compared to assess their agreement, precision and, with respect to a standard pneumotachygraph, accuracy.
  2. monetarize的拼寫錯誤

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  1. monitorizar 的屈折变化形式:
    1. 第一人稱/第三人稱單數現在時虛擬式
    2. 第三人稱單數命令式