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不详。《牛津英语词典》认为与德語 alter Hut (名词, 字面意思是旧帽子)有关。

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  • 文檔

形容词 编辑

old hat (比較級 more old hat最高級 most old hat)

  1. (俗語) 司空见惯的,老生常谈的;陈腐的,老一套(自20世纪)
    近義詞: banalcommonplaceclichédémodépasséunchic;亦參見Thesaurus:unfashionable
    • 1946 11月 11, “New Plays in Manhattan”, 出自 Time[1]:
      Coward is such an old hand at this kind of thing that he makes it seem old hat.
    • 1964 July, “The mythology of monorails”, 出自 Modern Railways,頁號 1:
      In fact, monorails are rather old hat.
    • 1987 5月 8, Elaine Sciolino, “Washington Talk: The Hart Story Grips the Capital”, 出自 New York Times[2]:
      It is old hat for a sex scandal to bring down a politician.
    • Lua错误 在Module:Quote的第2461行:Parameter "work" is not used by this template.
    • Lua错误 在Module:Quote的第2461行:Parameter 2 is not used by this template.

其他形式 编辑

名词 编辑

old hat (不可數)

  1. (罕用古舊) 女阴(引申义) 性交
    • 1723, Charles Walker, Memoirs of Sally Salisbury, letter XI:
      Upon which she very pertly reply'd, She had done that not with a Design to affront but to convince me of the Value she had for my Present; for that if the Pedantick Blockhead should come, he should only have a little bit of Old-Hat to stay his Stomach, till he got to some Harlot of his own Puritanical Flock []
    • 1980, Erica Jong, Fanny:
      'Tis a Nest, a Niche, an Old Hat, an Omnibus, an Oyster, a Palace o' Pleasure.

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