英語 编辑

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名詞 编辑

plumber's crack

  1. (俚語) 當褲子穿得太低或彎腰時露出的臀部頂端
    • 2008, Insults and Comebacks, Venice, California: Knock Knock,頁號 27:
      Very classy: visible thong and plumber's crack.
    • 2010, Jennifer Egan, “Ask Me if I Care”, 出自 A Visit from the Goon Squad:
      Marty comes on for the next number, but he spazzes out and drops his violin. The barely interested crowd gets just interested enough to yell some insults when he crouches to replug it with his plumber's crack displaying.
      Marty 上場演奏下一個曲子,但他嚇壞了,掉了他的小提琴。當他蹲下身子、露出臀部頂端,重新插入小提琴時,幾乎沒有興趣的觀眾才有興致大喊大叫地辱罵。

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