冰島語 编辑

詞源 编辑

源自古諾爾斯語 stóll ← 原始日耳曼語 *stōlaz ← 原始印歐語 *stāl- (框架,支架)

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑

stóll m (属格单数 stóls, 主格复数 stólar)

  1. 椅子

變格 编辑

古諾爾斯語 编辑

發音 编辑

  • (12世紀冰島語) IPA(幫助)/ˈstoːlː/

詞源1 编辑

源自原始日耳曼語 *stōlaz (椅子)。與古英語 stōl, 古弗里斯蘭語 stōl, 古撒克遜語 stōl, 古荷蘭語 stuol, 古高地德語 stuol, 哥特語 𐍃𐍄𐍉𐌻𐍃 (stōls)同源。源自原始印歐語 *stāl- (框架,支架)。第2義轉譯自拉丁語 sēdēs (座位),第3義轉譯自拉丁語 thronī (座天使)

名詞 编辑

stóll m (屬格 stóls, 複數 stólar)

  1. 椅子座椅
    • Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar 254, in 1835, F. Magnússon, C. C. Rafn, Fornmanna sögur, Volume X. Copenhagen, page 16:
      [] þar tvískipat eptir endilöngu, voru skipaðir XIII stólar.
      [] there along the entire length [of the king's court] were set in two thirteen chairs.
  2. (教會) 主教的住所
    • Guðmundar saga 68, in 1858, J. Sigurðsson, G. Vigfússon, Biskupa sögur, Volume I. Copenhagen, page 508:
      [] ok fór hann heim til stóls sins; []
      [] and came back to [the bishop's] see; []
  3. (基督教)座天使
    • Old Norwegian Homily Book, in 1864, C. R. Unger, Gammel Norsk Homiliebog. Christiania, page 185, lines 11-12:
      [] þat ero englar oc hofuðenglar oc craftar, veldisenglar oc hofðingiar, drotnar oc stolar, []
      [] there are angels and archangels and Powers, Virtues and Principalities, Dominions and Thrones, []
變格 编辑
派生詞 编辑
派生語彙 编辑
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value)
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value)
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value), stul, støl
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value)
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value)
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value)
  • Lua错误 在Module:Etymology/templates/descendant的第177行:attempt to call method 'getNonEtymologicalCode' (a nil value), stul

詞源2 编辑

源自古東斯拉夫語 столъ (stolŭ, 桌子)

名詞 编辑

stóll m (屬格 stóls, 複數 stólar)

  1. 餐桌
    • Bósa saga ok Herrauðs 12, in 1830, C. C. Rafn, Fornaldar sögur Nordrlanda, Volume III. Copenhagen, page 223:
      [] hann tók borðbúnað af stólnum, ok kastaði upp í sængina, []
      [] he took the dishes from the table and threw them up in the bed sheets, []
變格 编辑

詞源3 编辑

源自古希臘語 στόλος (stólos, 軍隊,艦隊)

名詞 编辑

stóll m (屬格 stóls, 複數 stólar)

  1. (一般見於複合詞) (武器/船)
    • Sverris saga 71, in 1834, F. Magnússon, C. C. Rafn, Fornmanna sögur, Volume VIII, Copenhagen, page 177:
      Í þenna tíma hafði Magnús konúngr einn allan skipastólinn, []
      At that time had king Magnus an entire fleet of ships, []
變格 编辑
派生詞 编辑

參考資料 编辑

  • stóll in An Icelandic-English Dictionary, R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at Internet Archive.
  • stóll in A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at Internet Archive.