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  1. stagger現在時分詞動名詞

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staggering (比較級 more staggering最高級 most staggering)

  1. 惊人的,震撼
    近義詞: incredibleoverwhelmingamazing
    The army suffered a staggering defeat.
    • 1960 December, Voyageur, “The Mountain Railways of the Bernese Oberland”, 出自 Trains Illustrated,頁號 754:
      It is this stretch which provides what is perhaps the most staggering scenic prospect of all; the impression made on the mind by the overwhelming height of the Eiger, towering over the train, is almost impossible to describe.
  2. 晃动的,摇摇晃晃

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An example of the animation technique "staggering" as seen in "The Dover Boys" (1942, dir. Chuck Jones)
动画“The Dover Boys”(1942年,Chuck Jones执导)中使用反复播放的技术的示例

staggering (複數 staggerings)

  1. 蹒跚踉跄
    • 1837, “Memoirs of Mirabeau”, 出自 The Westminster Review, 卷 26,頁號 436:
      There are to whom the gods, in their bounty, give glory: but far oftener it is given in wrath, as a curse and a poison; disturbing the whole inner health and industry of the man; leading onward through dizzy staggerings and tarantula jiggings []
  2. 震惊震撼
    • 1738, Ebenezer Erskine, The Annals of Redeeming Love:
      But these doubts, and fears, and staggerings, although they may be in the believer, yet they are not in his faith; these things argue the infirmity of his faith, indeed; but under all this, faith is fighting for the victory []
  3. (动画中)反复播放某几帧(来强调角色使力)

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